What are the EPR bullets for the Air Force?

– Completed 40 hr SEJPME JKO crs; took 11 modules on jt force integration–garnered valuable DOD mngmnt skillset – FTAC mentorship program vol; devot’d 12 mos/counseled 3 amn/career path–ensur’d smooth transition to AF culture

Why do you need to contribute to air force bullets?

The intent of the bullets within are to inspire and help active duty, guard and reserve Air Force supervisors (Civilian, Enlisted & Officers) build better bullets. The success of this site and quality of the bullets is based on how users wish to use it. In order to contribute to the site you need to register .

Do you turn in a list of Golden EPR bullets?

Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. But let’s not underestimate the importance of this task —it is important.

How many EPR bullets are in a WG flu shot?

– Bolstered Wg Flu Shot line; cultivated vaccination cape/inoculated 2K prsnl–incr’d compliance 42.3%-90.9% – Oversaw IFE prgm; directed response/68 ground/birdstrike/136 pilots monitored–safeguard’d 36K msn sorties

Are there any self improvement EPR bullets for adults?

– Adult/Child/Infant AED/CPR certified; attended six hour course–served as group PTL; promoted health/fitness – Attended 2-day Lockheed crse; qual’d 15 mx tasks/repaired 3 SXR pods-16/16 pods FMC/ensured AEF capes

Do you need EPR bullets for firewall 5?

The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet.

How many ASIMS are in public health EPR bullets?

– Led 6 base ASIMS administrators; mng’d 549 accnts/protected 5.6K user data–crucial to 84% med rdy rt/>4% AF std – Executed TRW HIPAA compliance; corroborated 18 commander designee letters– exceed’d AF std w/82% f/2k prsnl

What are some examples of teamwork EPR bullets?

– Devoted 8 hours to booster club; worked booth at ’12 air show; raised $1.4k–funded 3 sq morale events – Volunteered 5 off-duty hrs; partisipated in — veterans day parade–bolstered relations local community! – Engineered movement for 84 AMC MICAPs; alft rdy <4 hrs–acft returned to FMC…Cmd global mobility intact

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