Who is Cherrytails mate?

Her mate is Sharpclaw, and Hawkwing, Blossonheart, Cloudmist, and Duskpaw are their children.

What does Sharpclaw look like?

Sharpclaw is a dark ginger tabby tom with broad shoulders, powerful haunches and hind legs, and green eyes. Sharpclaw was a deputy of SkyClan under Leafstar’s leadership at the gorge. Scratch was born to Jessamy alongside his sister, Flower, as kittypets.

What book does Sharpclaw die?

Sharpclaw died at the paws of Darktail and his fellow rogue, Rain. It was shortly before SkyClan was driven out of the gorge in Hawkwing’s Journey.

Is Leafstar a Leafpool?

After defeating the rats, she became SkyClan’s new leader with some reluctance, receiving the new name Leafstar, and made Sharpclaw her deputy. She became mates with a daylight warrior named Billystorm, and had three kits named Firekit, Stormkit, and Harrykit.

Why was SkyClan banished?

Description. SkyClan is the fifth Clan, but they were forced to leave the forest due to the destruction of the SkyClan forest territory, after which SkyClan’s land became the Twolegplace cats see now.

What is SkyClan known for?

This feature allows them to climb and hunt in the trees, hence the name SkyClan. They are very powerful cats, who are a bit like ThunderClan, eating mainly squirrels, mice, voles, and many kinds of birds.

What kind of cat is sharpclaw from the Warriors?

“He would always be a tough, challenging presence at her shoulder, with ideas of his own, and he would never be afraid to argue.” Sharpclaw is a dark ginger tabby tom with broad shoulders, powerful haunches and hind legs, and green eyes. Sharpclaw was a deputy of SkyClan under Leafstar’s leadership at the gorge.

Who is Cherrytail in warrior cats lemons Chapter 6?

Like many she-cats in Skyclan, Cherrytail was in heat. But all the other she-cats had a mate to help them. Sighing again, Cherrytail heaved herself up. Tasting the air for a sign of prey, Cherrytail detected the scent of Sharpclaw’s hunting patrol.

What did Leafstar do to sharpclaw in Warriors?

“Sharpclaw, patrols,” mewed Leafstar. She was sick in her den. “Yes, Leafstar,” he rasped. SkyClan was getting old. It had been in the Clans’ world for almost a year now. Leafstar stretched her aching muscles. “I need two new warriors today,” she reminded herself. She stepped onto the Highrock with a blurred vision.

What kind of cat is Cherrytail in SkyClan?

Cherrytail is a fluffy tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with green eyes and hard gray paw pads. Cherrytail is a SkyClan warrior under Leafstar’s leadership in the gorge and lake territories.

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