When did Mark Stoddart join Linamar Corporation?

Mr. Stoddart joined Linamar Corporation in November 1985 working as a general machinist in the then newly opened Hastech Manufacturing facility. Since July of 2003, he has headed up the marketing and product development activities for the Company. Mr.

Who is the Chief Technology Officer of Linamar?

Mr. Stoddart has been a member of Linamar’s Board of Directors since 1999 and today holds the role of Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing. He brings to this position his background in business and twenty years’ experience with Linamar and the automotive industry.

How big is the Linamar company in the world?

“Since Linda took over,” her father says simply, “she has doubled the size of the company.” The Linamar empire, while not nearly as big as Magna’s, is still extensive, encompassing 37 manufacturing facilities in eight countries, including Mexico, Hungary, Germany and the United Kingdom, plus 11 sales centres and five R&D shops.

Where are the Linamar camshaft manufacturing facilities located?

– Linamar acquires Mubea’s camshaft manufacturing facilities in Germany and renames the plants Linamar Valvetrain GmbH (LVT). – Linamar expands its capabilities in steel forgings by acquring Carolina Forge Company and renames the plant Linamar Forgings Carolina (LFC).

How big is the Linamar plant in Guelph?

Now, she buys them online and keeps a pair stashed in the back of her car for just these occasions. She’s visiting one of the 22 Linamar plants scattered across Guelph, all of which operate as more-or-less autonomous companies, none exceeding 400 employees or 150,000 square feet.

How did the Linamar family get to Canada?

They are blond and gorgeous. Their fathers-both named Frank-trained as machinists in the same part of Europe (Hasenfratz in Hungary, Stronach in Austria) before immigrating in the 1950s to Canada, where they parlayed one-man tool shops into international auto-parts operations.

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