What does CMO-R stand for?

reflexive conditioned motivating operation
The reflexive conditioned motivating operation (CMO-R) is an antecedent and evocative variable whose presentation may increase the rate of all behaviors that have been negatively reinforced with the removal of the presenting stimulus due to a history of correlation with a worsening set of conditions (Michael, 2000).

What is an example of a CMO-R?

Conditioned Motivating Operation Reflexive (CMO-R) Definition: A condition or object that signals a worsening or improving of conditions. Example in everyday context: You start to feel tightness in your left eye (worsening condition), which you know from experience will lead to a blinding migraine in 15 minutes.

What is a transitive CMO?

The Transitive CMO. A transitive CMO (CMO-T) refers to stimuli in the context of which the value of existing conditioned reinforcers or punishers is altered, as is the likelihood of behaviors occurring that have been associated with such consequences in the past.

Why is the warning stimulus for a CMO-r not an SD?

Why a CMO-R and Not an SD? lever, not the availability of the reinforcer. Tone termination is not more available when the tone is on but more valuable. the absence a stimulus because similar levels of a motivating operation for the response are in effect.

What are the three types of CMOs?

There are 3 types of CMOs: surrogate CMOs (CMO-S), reflexive CMOs (CMO-R), and transitive CMOs (CMO-T). A stimulus that has acquired its effectiveness by accompanying some other MO and has come to have the same value-altering and behavior-altering effects as the MO that it has accompanied.

What are the two types of motivating operations?

Motivating operations (MOs) can be classified into two types: unconditioned motivating operations (UMOs) and conditioned motivating operations (CMOs). UMOs are motivating operations that have value-altering effects that are unlearned, or those with which the organism has no prior learning history.

Which of the following is an example of negative punishment?

Losing access to a toy, being grounded, and losing reward tokens are all examples of negative punishment. In each case, something good is being taken away as a result of the individual’s undesirable behavior.

What is a UMO in ABA?

unconditioned motivating operation (UMO) events, operations, and stimulus conditions with value-altering motivating effects that are unlearned.

Which type of CMO often evokes problem behavior?

Which type of CMO often evokes problem behavior? Evie’s problem behavior is hitting others to get their attention when she wants to talk to them.

What are motivating operations in ABA?

What’s Your MO? (Motivating Operations) Motivating Operations are the motivations that encourage or discourage certain behaviors. Their purpose is to enhance or reduce the reinforcement value. It could impact the effectiveness of a certain event or stimulus in its role as reinforcer.

How is the reflexive property used in proofs?

Reflexive property in proofs. The reflexive property can be used to justify algebraic manipulations of equations. For example, the reflexive property helps to justify the multiplication property of equality, which allows one to multiply each side of an equation by the same number. Let a,a,a, and bbb be numbers such that a=b.a=b.a=b.

What is the role of conditioned reflexive motivating operation?

•However, much of the reinforcement that leads to children learning important skills is conditioned. Therefore, a thorough understanding of conditioned motivation operations (CMO) is crucial. • There are three types of CMOs as described by Michael (1993, 2007): c 1. Conditioned Transitive Motivating Operation (CMO-T) 2.

What are the properties of reflexive, symmetric and transitive?

Do It Faster, Learn It Better. The Reflexive Property states that for every real number x , x = x . The Symmetric Property states that for all real numbers x and y , if x = y , then y = x . The Transitive Property states that for all real numbers x , y, and z, if x = y and y = z , then x = z .

What happens if a CMO goes into foreclosure?

In contrast, if thousands of people cannot make their mortgage payments and go into foreclosure, the CMO loses money and cannot pay the investor. Investors in CMOs, sometimes referred to as Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs), want to obtain access to mortgage cash flows without having to originate or purchase a set of mortgages.

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