What are the main concerns of moral theology?
Contemporary moral theology must confront a variety of problems, including the scope of individual responsibility in large corporate institutions, the effects of human activities on the natural environment, the demands of social justice, the developments in genetics and other biological sciences, and the use of …
What is the difference between ethics and moral theology?
This article explores the difference between moral theology and Christian ethics. The main difference is that moral theology recognizes Christian dogma as essential to the moral life, while Christian ethics sees dogma as less important for its task. Moral theology assumes an explicit doctrinal context.
What are the two main sources of moral theology?
Description. Sources of Catholic moral theology include both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and philosophical ethics such as natural law that are seen as compatible with Catholic doctrine.
What are the 4 sources of moral theology?
Below is an illustration of a moral issue that spans all 4 Sources of Christian Morality: Scripture, Tradition, Experience & Reason.
How does the Catholic Church approach moral issues?
The Church can be described as taking both a deontological and a teleological approach. It is deontological with regards to the view that certain acts are right or wrong, and that there is no space for context or emotions in decision making.
What is the goal of moral theology?
Proximate Goal The proximate goal of Moral Theology is to develop “moral adulthood,” that is, the ability to make decisions and to assume responsibility.
What are the Catholic ethics?
The three ethical principles of the Catholic Church that relate to social action are ‘Preferential protection for the poor and vulnerable’, ‘Universal destination of goods’, and ‘Participation’.
What kind of issues are moral theologians interested in?
Moral theologians today write about a range of concrete moral issues, such as homosexuality, physician-assisted suicide, and affirmative action. They also specialize in a variety of subdisciplines within moral theology, including sexual ethics, bioethics, social ethics, and environmental ethics.
What are the ethical issues of the Catholic Church?
One of the evident features of contemporary reflection on ethical issues by Roman Catholic theologians is its plurality. Moral theologians today write about a range of concrete moral issues, such as homosexuality, physician-assisted suicide, and affirmative action.
What does the Catholic Church say about morals?
Catholic moral teaching speaks clearly on the topics of human dignity, authority, social order, and protection of property.
What are the debates in Catholic moral theology?
In general, the debates of the new hegemonic discourse in moral theology tend to frame debates in terms of “tradition versus context” or “law versus situation,” and then employ a certain understanding of conscience to advocate for contextual or situation ethics.