How do you use turangawaewae in a sentence?

‘In this part of my life, this pause in my journey, this is my turangawaewae, my place to stand. ‘ ‘For Aucklanders wanting a taste of their particular turangawaewae, they could do no better than take a day trip for lunch to Matakana. ‘

What does Ngai mean in English?

Definition of ngai in the English dictionary The definition of ngai in the dictionary is clan or tribe: used before the names of certain Māori tribes.

What does the word tupuna mean?

(ˈænsɛstə ) noun. 1. ( often plural) a person from whom another is directly descended, esp someone more distant than a grandparent; forefather.

What does Kemureti mean?

Cambridge – or Kemureti as it’s called in Maori – is in the heart of the Waikato, the second largest region for Maori population in the country. The town as we know it today, had its origins in war.

What does Ngai mean in Lingala?

Ngai means me. Therefore bolingo na Ngai literally means “My love”. The title for Alicios’ song ‘Posa ya Bolingo’ means ‘Thirst for Love’. Posa is the lingala word for thirst.

What does Ngai mean Maori?

(əŋˈɡɑːiː) prefix. (Anthropology & Ethnology) NZ clan or tribe: used before the names of certain Māori tribes: Ngai Tahu. [Māori]

What is Kia Kaha means?

stay strong
Kia kaha is a Māori phrase used by the people of New Zealand as an affirmation, meaning stay strong. The phrase has significant meaning for Māori: popularised through its usage by the 28th Māori Battalion during World War II, it is found in titles of books and songs, as well as a motto.

What does hapu stand for?


Acronym Definition
HAPU Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer
HAPU Hold At Airport for Pickup

What does Turangawaewae stand for in Maori terms?

Tūrangawaewae is one of the most well-known and powerful Māori concepts. It literally means standing place (tūranga) and feet (waewae); and is often translated as ‘a place to stand’. Tūrangawaewae are places where we feel empowered and connected. They are our foundation, our place in the world, our home.

How does Turangawaewae relate to the external world?

In the concept of tūrangawaewae, the external world is a reflection of an inner sense of security and foundation. The mountains, rivers and waterways to which one can claim a relationship also express this internal sense of foundation. Previous Next: Page 6. Birth from the earth – being indigenous Next

What does the Ngati Porou say about Turangawaewae?

When Ngāti Porou identify themselves, they say: Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi . Ngāti Porou is the tribe. Here, the sense of tūrangawaewae is broadened into a region and located within a wider world. In the concept of tūrangawaewae, the external world is a reflection of an inner sense of security and foundation.

Is there an online Maori dictionary for English?

Nau mai ki Te Aka. Welcome to the online version of Te Aka Māori-English, English-Māori Dictionary and Index. This online Māori dictionary is aimed at providing quick access but it is recommended that you also purchase the hard copy for use in class and when you are not online.

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