How do you make a kiss emoticon on the keyboard?

Use an emoticon.

  1. The character symbols :-)* or :-* or :-^ or ^>^ are emoticons that will send a kiss to someone.
  2. The character symbols 😡 or 😡 are emoticons that will send the message “pucker up” to someone.
  3. The character symbol :*) also means pucker up.

What is the emoticon for kiss?

The letter X represent puckered lips. This is the classic emoticon for sending a kiss. The asterisk represents a kiss.

How do you make Emojis with keyboard symbols?

To find and insert emoji in any text area, use these steps:

  1. Open any app (such as Notepad, Word, or Microsoft Edge).
  2. In the text area, open the emoji panel using the Windows key + ; (semicolon) or Windows key +.
  3. Click on the Smiley face (emoji) tab.
  4. Start typing to search an emoji.
  5. Select the emoji to insert.

Are there any shortcuts for emojis on the keyboard?

Remember these shortcuts will only work on the keyboard with number pad. For example, pressing alt and 128110 keys will produce the police officer emoji like 👮. Below are some of the examples, you can use emoji symbols in Outlook or Skype chat. Instead of typing a long sentence, a single emoji can express your thoughts more clearly.

Where can I find the Alt codes for Emoticons?

Below is the complete list of Windows ALT key numeric pad codes for emoticons, cat faces & gesture symbols, their corresponding HTML entity numeric character references and, when available, their corresponding HTML entity named character references.

Are there any shortcuts to insert symbols on a keyboard?

There are also shortcuts without using numbers to insert symbols like trademark, copyright, registered, etc. which should work in all type of keyboards. Alt + Ctrl + . … If you are looking for alt key shortcuts in image format, click the below links to get download the shortcuts images.

How can I get all the kiss emojis?

Kiss Emojis. Click to select or select all Spring Emojis. Click to select or select all Top 9 Emoji Faces Emojis. Click to select or select all Best New Emojis. Click to select or select all Monkey Emojis. Click to select or select all Birthday Emojis. Click to select or select all Winter Emojis. Click to select or select all

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