What is post infusion phlebitis?

9/29/2016. Yes, it does exist! After a peripheral catheter is removed, phlebitis can develop with the same signs and symptoms as when the catheter was still in the vein – redness, pain, swelling, a palpable cord and purulent drainage.

What causes post infusion phlebitis?

A number of factors have been associated with the development of phlebitis, such as (1) chemical factors—caused by irritant drugs or infusates; (2) mechanical factors—size, location and catheter material, and skill of the inserter; (3) infection factors—migration of organisms from the skin, along the catheter to the …

What do you do if a patient has phlebitis at IV site?

Dealing with trouble Whatever the cause of phlebitis, remove the catheter as soon as possible. Notify the patient’s health care provider. Monitor the patient’s vital signs and the I.V. site, and apply a warm, moist compress to the affected area as ordered.

What are the stages of phlebitis?

Phlebitis manifests in four grades: Grade 1 – erythema around the puncture site, with or without local pain; Grade 2 – pain at the puncture site with erythema and/or edema and hardening; Grade 3: pain at the puncture site with erythema, hardening and a palpable venous cord; Grade 4: pain at the puncture site with …

What factors contribute to the development of phlebitis?

Several factors increase the risk of developing superficial thrombophlebitis. The more common risk factors include: recent IV, catheter, or injection into a vein. sitting or lying down for too long, such as on a long flight.

What are the three types of phlebitis?


  • Mechanical phlebitis. Mechanical phlebitis occurs where the movement of a foreign object (cannula) within a vein causes friction and subsequent venous inflammation (Stokowski et al, 2009) (Fig 1).
  • Chemical phlebitis.
  • Infective phlebitis.

Does phlebitis ever go away?

Superficial thrombophlebitis is not usually a serious condition and often settles down and goes away on its own within 2–6 weeks. However, it can be recurrent and persistent and cause significant pain and immobility.

What are the complications of phlebitis?

Complications of phlebitis may include local infection and abscess formation, clot formation, and progression to a deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. When pronounced deep venous thrombophlebitis has seriously damaged the leg veins, this can lead to post-phlebitic syndrome.

When to check for post infusion phlebitis?

Ongoing observation of sites should continue for 48 post removal to detect post-infusion phlebitis. All patients with an intravenous access device should have the IV site checked every shift for signs of infusion phlebitis. The subsequent score and action (s) taken (if any) must be documented.

When to report a Grade 2 phlebitis?

Any incidence of phlebitis greater than grade 2 should be reported to the physician and other appropriate healthcare personnel. Ongoing observation of sites should continue for 48 post removal to detect post-infusion phlebitis.

What causes a cannula to be inserted in phlebitis?

Nursing Times; 107: 36, early online publication. Peripheral venous catheter-associated phlebitis is caused by inflammation to the vein at a cannula access site. It can have a mechanical, chemical or infectious cause. Good practice when inserting a cannula, including appropriate choice of device and site, can help to prevent phlebitis.

How are scales used in the treatment of phlebitis?

These phlebitis assessment scales are used to inform clinical practice and decision making, indicating to clinicians the first stages of phlebitis and when intravenous cannulas should be replaced (Creed and Spears, 2010). They can help reduce the progression of phlebitis through early detection.

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