Do you have to cut your hair in the Army 2020?

(1) Males. The hair of the head is to be kept well cut and trimmed, except where authority has been granted otherwise on religious grounds; style and colour (if not natural) is not to be of an exaggerated nature. If a moustache is worn, it is to be trimmed and not below the line of the lower lip.

What hairstyles are allowed in the Army?

The newest changes mean women can keep their hair either a bun, single ponytail, two braids or a single braid; locks, braids, twists or cornrows can come together in one or two braids or a ponytail; and braids or a ponytail can go as far down as the bottom of the shoulder blades.

What hairstyles are not allowed in the Army?

Styles that are lopsided or distinctly unbalanced are prohibited. Ponytails, pigtails, or braids that are not secured to the head (allowing hair to hang freely), widely spaced individual hanging locks, and other extreme styles that protrude from the head are prohibited.

Can you have hair in the army?

The Army defines long hair as a length that extends beyond the collar. Army standards require this hairstyle to be neatly and inconspicuously fastened above the collar’s lower edge. “We can’t tell a Soldier to cut their hair so their helmet can fit,” Sanders said.

Can you refuse to shave your head in the military?

Both males and females should have their heads shaved if any at all. No one should be forced to shave their head, just a haircut within Army Standards should be enforced. Hair standards have nothing to do with equality. Only males should have their heads shaved.

Why do army shave their heads?

Originally, one of the reasons for the induction haircut was to reduce the chances of disease among closely quartered recruits from different geographical areas (with varying immunities), such as head lice. Furthermore, short hair also prevents the enemy from grabbing a soldier with long hair and slashing his/her neck.

Do females have to shave in the army?

Except for the Navy, women do not have to get their hair cut. However, when in uniform (which is all the time in basic training), women must wear their hair in such a way that the hair does not protrude past the bottom of the collar, and is not below the eyebrows.

Why do they shave your head in basic training?

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