What is sbt native packager?

SBT native packager lets you build application packages in native formats. It offers different archetypes for common configurations, such as simple Java apps or server applications.

What does sbt stage do?

The stage command is part of sbt-native-packager that: The goal [of the plugin] is to be able to bundle up Scala software built with SBT for native packaging systems, like deb, rpm, homebrew, msi. > help stage Create a local directory with all the files laid out as they would be in the final distribution.

What is sbt Docker?

sbt-docker is an sbt plugin that builds and pushes Docker images for your project.

What is sbt Dist?

sbt-package-dist is a plugin for sbt 0.11 which attempts to codify best practices for building, packaging, and publishing libraries and servers. It adds the following features: a “package-dist” task for creating a deployable distribution of a server, including an executable jar and a build. SBT.

Where can I find plugins sbt?

Plugins can be installed for all your projects at once by declaring them in $HOME/. sbt/1.0/plugins/ . $HOME/. sbt/1.0/plugins/ is an sbt project whose classpath is exported to all sbt build definition projects.

What is sbt package?

sbt are written in camelCase, but at the SBT prompt, you type them using this hyphen format instead of camelCase.) package. Creates a JAR file (or WAR file for web projects) containing the files in src/main/scala, src/main/java, and resources in src/main/resources.

What is sbt plugin?

A plugin is a way to use external code in a build definition. A plugin can define a sequence of sbt settings that are automatically added to all projects or that are explicitly declared for selected projects. For example, a plugin might add a proguard task and associated (overridable) settings.

What is build sbt?

sbt is an open-source build tool for Scala and Java projects, similar to Apache’s Maven and Ant. Its main features are: Native support for compiling Scala code and integrating with many Scala test frameworks. Continuous compilation, testing, and deployment.

What is the full form of sbt?

SBT Full Form

Full Form Category Term
State Bank of Travancore Public Sector Bank in India SBT
Superbase 4 for Windows, Notes Related To Record File Type SBT
SABARMATI JN Indian Railway Station SBT
Slender Body Theory Electronics SBT

What is a build sbt file?

What can SBT native packager do for You?

SBT native packager lets you build application packages in native formats. It offers different archetypes for common configurations, such as simple Java apps or server applications.

Where to ask questions about the native packager?

Discussion/Questions : If you wish to ask questions about the native packager we’re active on Stack Overflow. You can either use the sbt tag or the sbt-native-packager tag. They also have far better search support for working around issues. Docs : Our docs are available online.

When to use sbt compile or SBT prompt?

As a convention, we will use the sbt:…> or > prompt to mean that we’re in the sbt interactive shell. Prefixing the compile command (or any other command) with ~ causes the command to be automatically re-executed whenever one of the source files within the project is modified. For example:

Which is the best way to run SBT?

Note: Running in batch mode requires JVM spinup and JIT each time, so your build will run much slower . For day-to-day coding, we recommend using the sbt shell or a continuous test like ~testQuick . You can use the sbt new command to quickly setup a simple “Hello world” build.

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