What is allocentric spatial awareness?

Allocentric spatial transformations involve an object-to-object representational system and encode information about the location of one object or its parts with respect to other objects, while egocentric perspective transformations involve a self-object representational system. Source publication.

What is the meaning of allocentric?

: having one’s interest and attention centered on other persons — compare egocentric.

What is allocentric memory?

Allocentric spatial memory refers specifically to mnemonic representations that capture viewpoint-invariant relations among items, as well as fixed relations between items and the local environment. Historically, the hippocampus has figured prominently in models of allocentric spatial memory.

Are place cells allocentric?

Place fields are allocentric, meaning that they are defined with respect to the outside world rather than the body. By orienting based on the environment rather than the individual, place fields can work effectively as neural maps of the environment.

What is allocentric coding?

Allocentric coding as a function of targets-landmarks distance. Masks covered variable portions (0°, 5°, 10° or 20° in diameter) of the images surrounding the fixation targets in order to control the distance of the closest potential landmarks within those images (0°, 2.5°, 5° or 10°, respectively).

What is allocentric example?

Allocentric meaning Relating to spatial representations: linked to a reference frame based on the external environment and independent of one’s current location in it. For example, giving the direction as “north,” as opposed to “right” (egocentric).

What is allocentric and Idiocentric?

is that allocentric is concerned with the interests of others more than one’s own; community-minded while idiocentric is characterized by or denoting interest centered upon oneself or one’s own ways, rather than upon others or the ways of others; self-centered.

Why you are a Allocentric tourist?

Allocentric (The Wanderers) − A tourist who seeks new experiences and adventure in a wide range of activities. This person is outgoing and self-confident in behavior. They would rather have the freedom to explore an area, make their own arrangements and choose a variety of activities and tourist attractions.

Who is an allocentric tourist?

Allocentric (The Wanderers) − A tourist who seeks new experiences and adventure in a wide range of activities. This person is outgoing and self-confident in behavior. An allocentric person prefers to fly and to explore new and unusual areas before others do so.

What makes a person an allocentric or an egocentric person?

We propose that it makes a difference to mentalizing whether the other person can be understood using an egocentric (“you”) or an allocentric (“he/she/they”) stance. Within an egocentric stance, the other person is represented in relation to the self.

How is the other person represented in an egocentric stance?

Within an egocentric stance, the other person is represented in relation to the self. By contrast, within an allocentric stance, the existence or mental state of the other person needs to be represented as independent from the self.

How does Asperger syndrome relate to egocentrism?

By contrast, within an allocentric stance, the existence or mental state of the other person needs to be represented as independent from the self. We suggest here that people with Asperger syndrome suffer from a disconnection between a strong naïve egocentric stance and a highly abstract allocentric stance.

What does it mean to have an allocentric stance?

This understanding requires an allocentric stance, which represents the other independently of one’s own current relation with her. The allocentric stance allows us to generate a folk psychology, which generally applies to all people.

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