What is a good VO2 max for elite athletes?

Typically elite endurance athletes may have a VO2 max in the region of 60-85ml/kg/min – 60-75ml/kg/min in women and 70-85ml/kg/min in men – with some athletes recording values of greater than 90ml/kg/min.

What athletes have best VO2 max?

Athletes with highest VO2 max The highest VO2 max recorded in professional sports (and from a list of documented VO2max tests) is of cyclist Oskar Swendsen of Norway, who recorded a mind-blowing 97.5 in September 2012 during a test conducted in Lillehammer.

How is the VO2 max useful in athletic training?

VO2 max is important as it can be used as a representation of how much oxygen your body uses during exercise at a maximum effort. This formula can be used to determine functions of both your central factors (blood, lung, heart), and peripheral (skeletal muscles) factors.

What is a good VO2 max for a cyclist?

What’s a good VO2 max? The average sedentary male has a VO2 max of 35 to 40ml/kg/min. For females, this is lower at 27 to 30ml/kg/min. In contrast, elite male and female cyclists have much higher VO2 max measures of around 80 to 90ml/kg/min and 60 to 70ml/kg/min respectively.

What is the highest recorded VO2 max?

96 ml/kg/min
The highest ever recorded VO2 max is 96 ml/kg/min, attributed to Bjørn Dæhlie, and 77 ml/kg/min in women.

Is a VO2 max of 58 good?

The average non-trained male achieves a VO2 max of roughly 30 to 40 mL/kg/min. Elite male athletes V02 max can climb up as high 90 mL/kg/min, while female athletes to up to 80 to 77 mL/kg/min. A good VO2 max score for a 30-year-old man is 50-55 mL/kg/min, while a good a score for a 30-year-old woman is 45-50 mL/kg/min.

Is VO2 max on Apple watch accurate?

The relationship between heart rate and VO2 max is not precise, and it varies from one individual to another. So Apple’s predicted VO2 max may not be very accurate. The estimate is also dependent upon your Apple Watch’s heart rate sensor. And while that’s pretty good, it is not infallible.

What’s the average VO2 max for an endurance athlete?

Expected Scores. Wikipedia lists VO 2max levels for the average young untrained male of about 3.5 liters per minute or 45 ml.kg -1 .min -1. In comparison, world class male endurance athletes in sports such as cycling and cross-country skiing typically achieved scores in excess of 80 ml.kg -1 .min -1, and occasionally a few may exceed 90…

What’s the highest VO2 max you can get?

Wikipedia lists VO2max levels for the average young untrained male of about 3.5 liters per minute or 45 ml.kg-1.min-1. In comparison, world class male endurance athletes in sports such as cycling and cross-country skiing typically achieved scores in excess of 80 ml.kg-1.min-1, and occasionally a few may exceed 90 ml.kg-1.min-1.

What kind of sports have higher VO2 max scores?

Higher VO2 max scores are associated with certain endurance sports, most specifically cycling, rowing, distance running, and cross-country skiing.

How is the VO 2max fitness test calculated?

You can read details of the procedures for conducting a VO 2max Fitness Test. The measurement can be given in the units liters of O 2 per min (l.min -1) or divided by body weight to get a score relative to a person’s body weight (ml.kg -1 .min -1)

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