Can I work part time and still get unemployment in Illinois?

You are allowed to earn up to 50% of your weekly benefits amount from any job that is part-time, either permanent or temporary. Your benefits will be reduced if you earn more than 50% of your weekly benefits.

How much unemployment do I qualify for in Illinois?

In Illinois, your weekly benefit amount is determined by adding together your earnings in the two quarters of the base period when you earned the most, taking 47% of that total, then dividing the result by 26. The current maximum weekly unemployment benefit in Illinois is $484 per week with no dependents.

How long can you receive unemployment benefits in Illinois?

26 weeks
How long does unemployment insurance last? Unemployment lasts for 26 weeks (6 months). A federal law extends this by an extra 13 weeks (3 months) through September 6th, 2021. If you exhausted your benefits and are no longer certifying, IDES will figure out if you qualify.

What reasons can you quit a job and still get unemployment in Illinois?

If you quit, you will remain eligible for unemployment if you had a good reason relating to your job, such as sexual harassment. If you left the job because of domestic violence, for health reasons, or to accompany a spouse in the military, you may still be eligible for benefits.

Where is B Auto Parts in St Louis?

B Auto Parts was established in 1953 as a small corner lot scrap yard in the shadows of several steel mills and the St. Louis skyline. After a few years, founder Steve Barzoff moved the business south to its current location at 500 Madison Road.

Who is the owner of B Auto Parts?

B Auto Parts mainly operated as a scrap, recycling and towing operation until Steve’s son, Charlie, took the helm in 1976. The “scrap yard” then became a true salvage yard as newer vehicles were purchased and parts were sold to local repair and body shops.

Where can I get unemployment insurance in Illinois?

Unemployment insurance is a statewide government program in Illinois. It gives money to people who are temporarily out of work. It is run by the Illinois Department of Employment…

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