Which of the following is meant by the 1 percent rule of aging group of answer choices?

1. Which of the following is meant by the “1 Percent Rule” of aging? About 1 percent of the population older than age 65 has significant organ function decline.

Which of the following groups is most likely to be successful in a suicide?

Compared with suicide attempts among younger people, suicides among older adults tend to be carefully planned and more likely to be successful. Many elderly also have underlying health conditions, which reduces their chances of surviving a suicide attempt, compared with younger adults.

When an elderly patient complains of abdominal pain the EMT should consider this symptom to be?

An elderly patient complaining of abdominal pain is probably only suffering from indigestion. C. One of the most serious causes of abdominal pain in the elderly is an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Which of the following serious health problems is related to homelessness?

What are some of the common health problems that homeless people have?

  • Lung diseases, including bronchitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Mental health problems.
  • Substance use problems.
  • Wounds and skin infections.

Which of the following fractures is most common among elderly woman?

Falls are the most common cause of injuries among senior citizens and the top reason for a hospital admission for trauma. Advanced age substantially increases the likelihood of hospitalization after a fall. Falls account for 87% of all fractures among people aged 65 years or older.

Which of the following lung conditions is very common the elderly?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a high incidence in the elderly, with at least 10% of people over the age of 65 diagnosed in the U.S.1 Symptoms include: Cough.

What is an appropriate sized landing zone for a helicopter?

The ideal landing zone is a level, 100-by-100-foot or larger area of grass or hard surface. Most civilian medevac helicopters in use today have a main rotor diameter of 35-50 feet and a fuselage length with main rotor blades turning of 40-50 feet.

What diseases can you get from being homeless?

“Being homeless puts an individual at increased risk of many health problems including psychiatric illness, substance use, chronic disease, musculoskeletal disorders, skin and foot problems, poor oral health, and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis C and HIV infection.

Why is being homeless bad?

With people often experiencing feelings of isolation, homelessness can also increase your chances of taking drugs or experiencing physical or mental health problems. Evidence suggests that the longer someone is in this position the more difficult it can become to get back on your feet.

What fracture types are most common in the elderly?

The most common fractures in older adults are vertebral fracture from compression or trauma, followed by hip and distal radius fractures.

What age are fractures most common?

The mean age for fractures traditionally considered to be fragility fractures was above 63 years (both genders combined). Proximal femur fracture was the most closely associated with high age; 97.8% of individuals sustaining this fracture were 50 years of age or more and 77.2% were 75 years of age or more (Table 3).

How does the one percent rule of thumb apply?

How does this relate to the One Percent Rule of Thumb? First, a refresher: the One Percent Rule states that the gross monthly rent should be at least one percent of its final price. A property that costs $100,000 should rent for at least $1,000 per month A property that costs $200,000 should rent for at least $2,000 per month

What is the goal of the one percent rule?

The goal of the rule is to ensure that the rent will be greater than or—at worst—equal to the mortgage payment, so the investor at least breaks even on the property. The one percent rule can provide a baseline for establishing the level of rent that commercial property owners charge on real estate space.

How to calculate the one percent rule for mortgage?

Using the one percent rule, the owner would calculate a $2,000 monthly rent payment: $200,000 multiplied by 1%. In this case, the investor would seek a mortgage loan with monthly payments of less than and absolutely no more than $2,000. The One Percent Rule vs. Other Types of Calculations

How long does it take for one percent rule to work?

If a property meets the One Percent Rule, it’ll take 100 months for the property to recoup its cost. Example: $100,000 property / $1,000 monthly rent = 100 months

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