What is the true temperature of the Sun?

The temperature at the surface of the Sun is about 10,000 Fahrenheit (5,600 Celsius). The temperature rises from the surface of the Sun inward towards the very hot center of the Sun where it reaches about 27,000,000 Fahrenheit (15,000,000 Celsius).

How hot is the chromosphere of the Sun?

The temperature in the chromosphere varies between about 4000 K at the bottom (the so-called temperature minimum) and 8000 K at the top (6700 and 14,000 degrees F, 3700 and 7700 degrees C), so in this layer (and higher layers) it actually gets hotter if you go further away from the Sun, unlike in the lower layers.

Does the temperature of the Sun vary?

Arranged in layers, the sun varies in temperature: It is hottest at its center, and cooler in its outer layers — until it strangely reheats at the fringes of the sun’s atmosphere. At the sun’s core, gravity causes intense pressure, and temperatures of up to 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius).

What is the temperature minimum of the Sun?

It has been recognized for some time that the brightness temperatures as low as 3800 K observed in the centers of the strong infrared CO lines are substantially lower than the minimum values inferred from all other diagnostics of the solar minimum temperature, namely, the observed minimum brightness temperature of …

What is the hottest layer in the sun’s atmosphere?

The outermost atmospheric layer is the corona, which gets really hot, almost 2,000,000 degrees F.

What part of the sun has the lowest temp?

While the center of the Sun’s core can get as hot as 30 million degrees F, its outer layers cool down. The photosphere, which is outside the core, is the coolest layer. This is as expected, because normally heat passes outwardly from hot to cold.

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