What is a Philos plate?

The internal locked system (PHILOS) plate is a new device used for proximal humerus fracture fixation is designed to decrease the high complication rate.

What is a Philos plate made of?

2. Materials and Methods. The PHILOS plate was made of Stainless Steel 316L, originally manufactured by Synthes, now Depuy Synthes Joint Reconstruction (Warsaw, IN, USA).

What is humerus plate?

Specifically, Distal humerus plates are indicated for intra-articular fractures, comminuted supracondylar fractures, osteotomies, malunions, and non-unions of the distal humerus. Olecranon and Proximal ulna plates are indicated for fractures, osteotomies, malunions, and non-unions of the olecranon and proximal ulna.

Which part of the humerus is the typical location for fractures?

The most frequently fractured site of the humerus especially in elderly is the surgical neck which is an area of constriction distal to the tuberosities. The deforming forces relevant to PHFs include: pectoralis major: displaces humeral shaft anterior/medial.

What does Philos mean?

a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “loving” (philology); on this model, used in the formation of compound words (philoprogenitive).

Do you need surgery for a broken humerus?

Most fractures of the proximal humerus can be treated without surgery if the bone fragments are not shifted out of position (displaced). If the fragments are shifted out of position, surgery is often performed to allow earlier mobility.

Can a philos plate be used for a humerus fracture?

PHILOS plating has a good functional outcome. However, proper patient selection, thorough knowledge of the anatomy and biomechanical principles are the pre-requisites for a successful surgery. Treatment of Proximal Humerus Fractures using PHILOS Plate

Where is the correct position of a philos plate?

Position plate Position the plate 2–4 mm posterior to the bicipital groove and 5–7 mm distal to the top of the greater tubercule. Align the plate properly to the humeral shaft. Precaution: Placing the plate too high increases the risk of subacromial impingement.

Where to place the plate on the humeral shaft?

Position the plate 2–4 mm posterior to the bicipital groove and 5–7 mm distal to the top of the greater tubercule. Align the plate properly to the humeral shaft. Precaution: Placing the plate too high increases the risk of subacromial impingement. Placing the plate too low can prevent the optimal distribution of screws in the humeral head.

Which is anatomic system for the proximal humerus?

PHILOS and PHILOS Long. The anatomic fixation system for the proximal humerus. PHILOS and PHILOS Long. The anatomic fixation system for the proximal humerus. Surgical Technique This publication is not intended for distribution in the USA. Instruments and implants approved by the AO Foundation.


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