Do you get a certificate for passing your theory test?

In all the excitement of passing your Driving Theory Test, you’ve lost your certificate. As you may know, in order to book your Practical Driving Test you will need your Theory Test certificate number. So if you can’t find this or have lost your certificate it could stop you in your tracks.

What happens if you don’t have your theory test certificate?

Your pupils will still need to have a valid theory test certificate before booking and taking their test. If they don’t have a valid theory test pass, they should not attempt to take their test. The driving test pass will not be valid and they will not be given a full licence.

Do you need your confirmation letter for theory test?

To sit your driving test, you must have a replacement letter that is provided by the DVSA, to show you have completed your theory test and successfully passed!

How do I get a replacement theory test certificate?

Replacing a lost driver theory test certificate If you lose or misplace your driver theory test certificate, you can get a duplicate copy from the Driver Theory Test Service by calling 1890 606 106. The fee for a duplicate driver theory test certificate is €15, which must be paid by credit or debit card.

How long is theory test certificate?

two years
Theory test certificates are valid for two years from the date you passed. If you do not pass your practical test within this two year period, you will have to take another theory test.

How long is theory test valid?

How long is the theory test valid for?

Why haven’t I got a confirmation email for my theory test?

If you did not receive a conformation email or letter, initially check your junk folder in your email settings. If you did not receive either a confirmation letter or email, or have lost the confirmation letter, you can check the dates, time and theory test centre of your booking.

How long is theory test valid for?

How can I pass my theory test 2020?

10 tips on how to pass your theory test

  1. Book your theory test.
  2. Hit the books.
  3. Brush up on your hazard spotting.
  4. Put in the hours.
  5. Take a mock test.
  6. Leave plenty of time.
  7. Don’t forget your provisional licence photocard.
  8. Use the practice time.

How to find a lost theory test pass certificate?

To find a lost Theory Test pass certificate number you’ll need to input: NOTE: You will need to get a replacement letter to take to your Practical Driving Test. If you have any questions, it’s best to contact the DVSA Theory Test Enquiries desk at [email protected]

How long does a theory test certificate last?

The theory test certificate is valid for two years from the date you passed. If it runs out before you pass the practical you’ll need to take it again. It’s sometimes better to pass your theory test even before starting your driving lessons. This will give you a better impression of what driving on road will actually be like.

Where do I get my result for the theory test?

You’ll get the result at the test centre after taking the theory test. You must pass both parts to pass the test. You’ll get a letter with a pass certificate number at the test centre.

Do you have to pass theory test before practical test?

For a high score you must spot hazards early. You must pass both parts to pass the whole theory test. The theory test certificate is valid for two years from the date you passed. If it runs out before you pass the practical you’ll need to take it again. It’s sometimes better to pass your theory test even before starting your driving lessons.

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