Who is the Lonesome Drifters father?

Mysterious Stranger
The Lonesome Drifter

Biography and appearance
Affiliation Chairmen (after Talent Pool)
Role Musician
Location (near: El Dorado Gas & Service) The Tops (after Talent Pool)
Family Mysterious Stranger (father) Unnamed mother – (deceased)

Is the mysterious stranger the Lonesome Drifters dad?

Background. The Lonesome Drifter was born in 2253 in a small town in Montana. His childhood was marred by the sudden departure of his father, a real “mysterious feller” even while he was with his mother.

Where is the mysterious drifter?

One of the talents you will need to recruit for this quest is “The Lonesome Drifter.” He is located in front of the Sunset Sarsaparilla sign near the El Dorado Gas & Service. If you’ve started the quest, then he’ll he’ll have a map marker.

Can you meet Mr New Vegas?

Some of his news will be based on the player’s reputation or karma. Unlike his Fallout 3 counterpart, Three Dog, Mr. New Vegas cannot be encountered in any way. His base of operations is also never discovered.

Can you mod the Mysterious Magnum?

Like most unique weapons, weapon modifications cannot be used on the Mysterious Magnum.

What does the lone wanderer look like?

The Lone Wanderer is shown in promotional images as being a Caucasian male with brown hair, which is the first pre-made appearance in the character creation phase at the start of the game.

Who voices the lonesome drifter?

Gregory Alan Williams
Gregory Alan Williams (born June 12, 1956) is an actor who voiced Bruce Isaac, The Lonesome Drifter, Cliff Briscoe, Corporal William Farber, Trent Bascom, Don Hostetler, Cook-Cook, Keith, George, Bill Ronte, Dead Sea, Severus, Karl, Mister Holdout, Greasy Johnny, and other minor characters in Fallout: New Vegas.

How do you get the mysterious Magnum without killing the lonesome drifter?

There was a trick to getting it out without killing him. I think it works best if you do it when you first meet him far away from the Strip. Apparently you can hit him with a punch to get him angry, then when he draws his weapon shoot his arm with a weak weapon to disarm him but not kill him.

Can you steal the mysterious Magnum?

It is owned by the Lonesome Drifter, who is sitting in front of the Sunset Sarsaparilla billboard next to the highway just east of El Dorado dry lake and north of the El Dorado Gas & Service. It can be acquired by passing a Barter check of 50 during the quest Talent Pool or can be looted/stolen from his person.

Is Mr New Vegas a AI?

New Vegas is an AI personality which was created by Mr. House before the Great War to be the DJ of Radio New Vegas, a job he still performs over 200 years later in 2281. He is heard on Radio New Vegas, but never seen in-game.

Is Mr New Vegas Doc Mitchell?

Doc Mitchell appears only in Fallout: New Vegas and is mentioned in the add-on Old World Blues.

Who is the Mysterious Stranger in fallout shelter?

The snarky robot Mr. Handy makes an appearance in Fallout Shelter, and he’s even more useful than in the PC games. He is unlocked via Mr. Handy boxes, which can either be unlocked through finishing objectives or purchased for just under a dollar.

Who is the Lonesome Drifter in Fallout New Vegas?

The Lonesome Drifter is a solitary singer and guitar player camped out north of El Dorado Gas & Service in Fallout: New Vegas . The Drifter was born in 2253 in a small town in Montana. His childhood was marred by the sudden departure of his father, a real ” mysterious feller ” even while he was with his mother.

Where did the Lonesome Drifter live as a child?

The Lonesome Drifter was born in 2253 in a small town in Montana. His childhood was marred by the sudden departure of his father, a real ” mysterious feller ” even while he was with his mother. As a result, his mother was forced to work her fingers to the bone in order to provide for the family as the Drifter mastered the guitar.

What happens if you kill the Lonesome Drifter?

Joshua Sawyer stated in a forum post that he wishes they had time to hard code the Mysterious Stranger to turn on the player character if attempting to use V.A.T.S to kill the Lonesome Drifter. After completing Talent Pool, if one kills The Lonesome Drifter, the cycle in which The Aces Theater runs on will be broken.

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