What is an electron deficient hydride?

Generally, electron deficient compounds are those compounds which have less number of electrons to form normal covalent bonds. From the given option Boron belongs to group 13 that means B2H6 is an electron deficient hydride. B2H6 is the diborane. The chemical formula for borane molecules is BH3 .

What are electron deficient hydrides Class 11?

1 Answers. (i) Electron-deficient compounds of hydrogen: – The hydrides of some compounds are deficient of electrons as these elements like gp 13 elements do not have enough electrons. Examples are BH3 and AlH3 . . These compounds exist in polymeric form to make up for the deficiency of electrons.

What do you mean by electron deficient?

Electron deficiency is a term describing atoms or molecules having fewer than the number of electrons required for maximum stability. For each atom in a molecule, main group atoms having less than 8 electrons or transition metal atoms having less than 18 electrons are described as electron-deficient.

What are electron precise and electron deficient hydrides give examples?

Electron precise: The type of hydrides that have the exact number of electrons to form a covalent bond are called electron precise. These types of compounds are usually formed by group 14 elements. The compounds usually have a tetrahedral shape. Example CH4, SiH4, etc.

Is an example of electron deficient hydride?

Diborane (B2H6) is an example of an electron-deficient hydride.

Why is boron hydride considered electron deficient?

The boron-hydrogen-boron bridge bond is a two-electron bond and is called a three-center, two-electron bond since it bonds three atoms together. Since the boron atom has only three valence electrons there is an “electron deficiency” of one.

Why is alh3 electron deficient?

It is also an electron deficient molecule as it lacks two electrons to complete its octet. Thus the hydrides of both aluminium and boron are electron deficient in nature.

Is CH3 2 electron deficient?

– So, (SiH3)2 , (CH3)2 are known as electron precise compounds of hydrogen . – Electrons of group 13 are considered as Electron deficient elements because they have less number of electrons as compared to the electrons required for bonding.

Why is borane electron-deficient?

Boranes and the Bonding in boranes The most basic example is diborane (B2H6), all boranes are electron-deficient compounds. Because of this there are two B-H-B bonds, which have three centers, but only two electrons (3c, 2e bond).

What are electron deficient hydrides give an example?

Diborane (B2H6) is an example of an electron-deficient hydride. These hydrides do not have a sufficient number of electrons to form normal covalent bonds.

Which of the following is an electron deficient hydride?

B2H6 is electron deficient hydride.

What are electron deficient rich precise hydrides?

The common examples of such hydrides are CH3, NH3, H2O, HF etc. Covalent hydrides are classified as electron rich, electron precise and electron deficient hydrides. (a) Electron rich molecular hydrides: These hydrides have one or more lone pairs of electrons around the central more electronegative element. | ••

What happens when hydrogen is added to zirconium?

Also, 5–20% of hydrogen diffuses into the zirconium alloy cladding forming zirconium hydrides. The hydrogen production process also mechanically weakens the rods cladding because the hydrides have lower ductility and density than zirconium or its alloys, and thus blisters and cracks form upon hydrogen accumulation.

Why are hydrides more brittle than zirconium rods?

The hydrogen production process also mechanically weakens the rods cladding because the hydrides have lower ductility and density than zirconium or its alloys, and thus blisters and cracks form upon hydrogen accumulation. This process is also known as hydrogen embrittlement.

Which is a disadvantage of oxidation of zirconium?

Oxidation of zirconium by steam. One disadvantage of metallic zirconium is that in the case of a loss-of-coolant accident in a nuclear reactor, zirconium cladding rapidly reacts with water steam at high temperature. Oxidation of zirconium by water is accompanied by release of hydrogen gas.

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