What does shake your boots mean?

: very nervous She was shaking in her boots/shoes as she waited for the doctor.

Is it shaking or quaking in my boots?

quake in one’s boots Tremble with fear, as in The very thought of a hurricane blowing in makes me quake in my boots. Both quake and shake here mean “tremble.” These idioms were preceded by the alliterative phrase shake in one’s shoes in the late 1800s.

What does shaking on it mean?

used for saying that you want to shake hands with someone in order to show that you both agree to something. Lance held his hand out and said, ‘Let’s shake on it.

Should be shaking in their boots?

The idea behind this idiom is that a person is so scared that he or she shaking. Trembling is a common response to fear. This idiom, along with to shake in one’s shoes and to quake in one’s boots, comes from the 1800s. This is quite enough to make Corruption and all her tribe shake in their shoes.

What does quake in one’s boots mean?

Tremble with fear, as in The very thought of a hurricane blowing in makes me quake in my boots. Both quake and shake here mean “tremble.” These idioms were preceded by the alliterative phrase shake in one’s shoes in the late 1800s.

What can I say instead of shaking?


  • palpitation,
  • quiver,
  • shake,
  • shiver,
  • shudder,
  • tremble,
  • tremor,
  • What does it mean to shake violently?

    transitive verb. : to shake or agitate violently especially : to shake with or as if with irregular spasms was convulsed with laughter. intransitive verb. : to become affected with convulsions.

    Where does shaking in your boots come from?

    The idea behind this idiom is that a person is so scared that he or she shaking. Trembling is a common response to fear. This idiom, along with to shake in one’s shoes and to quake in one’s boots, comes from the 1800s.

    What does it mean when someone is shaking in their sleep?

    Agitation during sleep can be seen with sleep disorders such as night terrors. It is also possible for these symptoms to occur as part of another emotional or psychological conditions, or even as a reaction to medications.

    Is it enough or had enough?

    If you say that you have had enough, you mean that you are unhappy with a situation and you want it to stop. I’ve had enough–there are limits even for the patience of a saint! I had had enough of other people for one night.

    What does the idiom’shaking in my boots’mean?

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. Fig. to be afraid; to shake from fear. I was shaking in my boots because I had to go see the manager for being late. Stop quaking in your boots, Bob. I’m not going to fire you. To be in a state of terror or extreme nervousness.

    Who was the first person to say shake in Boots?

    William Cobbett is recorded as having said it ( Political Register, 1818): “This is quite enough to make Corruption and all her tribe shake in their shoes.” See also scared silly. (Is) that everything?

    Why do I keep quaking in my boots?

    I was shaking in my boots because I had to go see the manager for being late. Stop quaking in your boots, Bob. I’m not going to fire you. To be in a state of terror or extreme nervousness. This vivid image of trembling with fear has been around since about 1800.

    When did William Cobbett say shake in Boots?

    To be in a state of terror or extreme nervousness. This vivid image of trembling with fear has been around since about 1800. William Cobbett is recorded as having said it ( Political Register, 1818): “This is quite enough to make Corruption and all her tribe shake in their shoes.” See also scared silly. Want to thank TFD for its existence?

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