What did Bob Brown do?

Robert James Brown (born 27 December 1944) is a former Australian politician, medical doctor and environmentalist. He was a senator and the parliamentary leader of the Australian Greens. He was the first openly gay member of the Parliament of Australia and the first openly gay leader of an Australian political party.

How did Bob Hawke save the Franklin River?

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) led by Bob Hawke took an anti-Franklin Dam stance, and the TWS ran a national ‘Vote for the Franklin’ campaign urging voters to support ALP candidates in marginal House of Representatives seats.

Why did the Franklin blockade happen?

As the federal government still refused to intervene in a state government matter, the blockade was designed to disrupt clearing and building works. Violent conflicts occurred between dam supporters, construction workers and the protesters.

Did they dam the Franklin River?

The Franklin Dam or Gordon-below-Franklin Dam project was a proposed dam on the Gordon River in Tasmania, Australia, that was never constructed. The movement that eventually led to the project’s cancellation became one of the most significant environmental campaigns in Australian history.

Who formed the Greens party?

Bob Brown
Drew Hutton
Australian Greens/Founders

Where is Bob Brown from?

Oberon, Australia
Bob Brown/Place of birth

Why did Tasmania believe the Franklin Dam was a state not a federal matter?

The dam would have flooded a large section of the Franklin River in South-West Tasmania. In 1981 the area in which the dam was proposed was nominated for listing under the World Heritage Convention. It argued that the Commonwealth Government did not have power under the Commonwealth Constitution to stop the dam.

What did Bob Hawke do for the environment?

His record includes: Saving the Franklin River from being dammed to conserve the grandeur of this wild river. The historic handback of Uluru to Traditional Owners. Global leadership to halt mining exploitation in Antarctica, the last great wilderness on Earth.

Why did the High Court change Section 51 of the Constitution in response to the Franklin Dam dispute?

Decision. A four to three majority of the seven members of the High Court held that the federal government had legitimately prevented construction of the dam, and that the World Heritage Act was authorised under the “external affairs” power.

Who won the Franklin Dam case?

The case was heard in May and June 1983 and the High Court delivered its judgment a few weeks later on 1 July 1983. In a 4:3 split decision the High Court largely upheld the validity of the Commonwealth laws, thereby preventing the dam proceeding.

Has the Green Party ever won an election?

The party won 66 races nationwide, including 21 in California and 11 in Wisconsin. One of the biggest victories included the election of Gayle McLaughlin as mayor in Richmond, California. Richmond now has become the first city with over 100,000 residents to have a Green mayor.

When did the Franklin River Wilderness Society start?

It all began in 1976 with a meeting of just 16 people in the home of Tasmanian GP Dr Bob Brown. The passionate campaign that emerged to save the Franklin River rocked the political orthodoxy and defined a generation. You can support life.

Where does the Franklin River join the Gordon River?

The aerial view of the Franklin River joining the Gordon River in Tasmania in Australia. This was taken from the seaplane which departed at Strahan. Image credit: Getty Images WHO REALLY THINKS, given the greed and short-sightedness evident in human history, that this crowded populace will not invade, occupy and exploit the remainder?

Who was involved in saving the Franklin River?

Domestic and international focus on the campaign grew as popular celebrities including Sir Yehudi Menuhin, ­Barry Humphries, Eartha Kitt, Claudio and Lesley Alcorso, and ­David Bellamy (his arrest created headlines in London) backed the river’s rescue.

Why was the Franklin River saved in Tasmania?

A decade after Lake Pedder disappeared, parts of Tasmania’s wilderness were declared World Heritage areas for the first time and soon after that, the Franklin River was saved. However, there was a backlash from developers.

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