Does HSIL mean I have cancer?

HSIL is a squamous cell abnormality associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). Though not all HSIL will progress to cancer, HSIL is considered to be a precancerous lesion and therefore is usually treated aggressively.

What percentage of HSIL is cancer?

HSIL. CIN 2 or CIN 3 has been reported in at least 70 percent of women with cytology results of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), and 1 to 2 percent have invasive cancer.

Should I worry about positive HPV test?

A positive test result means that you have a type of high-risk HPV that’s linked to cervical cancer. It doesn’t mean that you have cervical cancer now, but it’s a warning sign that cervical cancer could develop in the future.

Should I be worried if my Pap smear came back positive for HPV?

If the results of your Pap test come back positive, that means your doctor found abnormal or unusual cells on your cervix. It doesn’t mean you have cervical cancer. Most often, the abnormal test result means there have been cell changes caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV).

How often does HSIL turn into cancer?

If less severe changes are seen, this is called low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL). The risk that HSIL abnormalities signify precancerous changes is as high as 53 percent, and the risk of cervical cancer is as high as 7 percent [1,2].

Can HSIL go away?

They usually go away on their own and do not require treatment. CIN 2 changes are moderate and are typically treated by removing the abnormal cells. However, CIN 2 can sometimes go away on its own. Some women, after consulting with their health care provider, may decide to have a colposcopy with biopsy every 6 months.

Can high-risk HPV be treated?

There is no treatment for HPV, but in most cases it goes away without treatment. Having HPV does not mean you will get cancer. Most of the time HPV goes away by itself. Certain people are at higher risk for HPV-related health problems.

How is HSIL treated?

Ablative treatments for HSIL include: Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is a technique that’s used to destroy abnormal tissue by freezing it. It is also called cryosurgery. Thermal ablation: Thermal ablation is similar to cryotherapy, but uses heat instead of cold to destroy tissue.

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