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How is the British Army organized?

How is the British Army organized? The army is principally divided into more than a dozen different corps, which are a collection of regiments or small groupings of soldiers that […]

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¿Qué es un conjunto residencial?

¿Qué es un conjunto residencial? Los conjuntos residenciales cerrados son conglomerados de viviendas o apartamentos separados, que tienen una infraestructura común y son distanciados del área pública por rejas, muros, […]

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What does non-stationary mean?

What does non-stationary mean? Data points are often non-stationary or have means, variances, and covariances that change over time. Non-stationary behaviors can be trends, cycles, random walks, or combinations of […]

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¿Qué es la tragedia en el teatro?

¿Qué es la tragedia en el teatro? La tragedia es una forma literaria, teatral o dramática del lenguaje solemne, cuyos personajes protagónicos son ilustres y se ven enfrentados de manera […]