Who narrates Pete the Cat books?

James Fouhey
Narrated by: James Fouhey, Pete the Cat L.L.C.

Is Pete the cat adopted?

The real life Pete the Cat In 1999, James adopted a kitten from a local shelter. James named him Pete. While Pete was a kitten, he spent a great deal of time sitting on James’ lap. James had never spent so much time with a kitten and soon felt as if Pete was his child.

What is the main idea of Pete the cat I love my white shoes?

But no matter what color his shoes are, Pete keeps movin’ and groovin’ and singing his song… because it’s all good. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes asks the reader questions about the colors of different foods and objects—kids love to interact with the story. The fun never stops—download the free groovin’ song.

Who is Pete the Cat’s girlfriend?


Pete (P.S.)
Background Info
Species black cat
family Peg (wife) P.J. (son) Pistol (daughter) Pierino and Pieretto (nephews) Trudy Van Tubb (girlfriend) Gram-Gram Peg-Leg Portis (cousin)
Pets Chainsaw and Butch (dogs)

What happened to the real Pete the Cat?

The real Pete wandered away from home, never to be seen again, after living with Dean for about a year. But Pete has stuck around as Dean’s artistic muse since 1999, not long after Dean quit his job as an electrical engineer so he could paint full time.

What does Pete the Cat teach us?

The story reinforces that whatever happens in life, you can rise above it. The moral of Pete’s story is: “No matter what you step in, keep walking along and singing your song because it’s all good.” Who couldn’t use a little of Pete in their classroom for morale? Keep on singing, Pete.

What does Pete cat teach children?

The character of Pete the Cat is wildly popular with young children. Why not capitalize on this popularity and use Pete to teach academic skills such as concepts of print to your students? Using Pete the Cat will make teaching this skill super fun and your kids will learn to love books and reading- it’s a win-win!

How to download Pete the cat by HarperCollins?

Pete the Cat always keeps his cool! To download to your computer, right-click on the file link and select “Save Target As…” on PC and “Save Link As…” on Mac. If you have trouble downloading the files below, please contact us at [email protected].

Where does Pete the cat go to school?

Pete the Cat is rocking in his school shoes. Pete discovers the library, the lunch room, the playground, and lots of other cool places at school. And no matter where he goes, Pete never stops moving and grooving and singing his song… because it’s all good. Buy the book here.

What’s the name of the song with Pete the cat?

#1 New York Times bestseller James Dean puts a groovy spin to the classic children’s song “The Ants Go Marching” with everyone’s favorite cool cat. Your child is sure to want to march along with Pete, 1, 2, 3!

How did Pete the Cat become a better dancer?

Pete is determined to become a better dancer. With the help of his friends and some wise words from Owl, Pete learns that he’s his grooviest when he’s being himself. Get the book here.

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