What is another word for reimagined?

What is another word for reimagine?

rethink reconsider
reevaluate reexamine
reexplore reweigh
reassess revise
rework retrace

What is the synonym of illicit?

illicitadjective. Synonyms: unlawful, illegal, unlicensed.

Is illegitimately a word?

il·le·git·i·mate adj. 1. a. Being against established or accepted rules and standards: an illegitimate means of winning a debate.

Which is the closest synonym for the word validity?

synonyms for validity

  • effectiveness.
  • efficacy.
  • gravity.
  • legality.
  • legitimacy.
  • potency.
  • soundness.
  • substance.

Which is the closest antonym for the word authentic?


  • authenticadjective. Antonyms: phony, ingenuine, fake. Synonyms: real, genuine, bonafide, unfaked, bona fide.
  • authenticadjective. Synonyms: reliable, unfaked, credible, trustworthy.

Can illegitimate child inherit?

Modern Law Today, every state gives an illegitimate child the right to inherit from their maternal relatives. However, it is generally more difficult to establish the right to inherit from a child’s unmarried father. Most states do not automatically presume that the child is the legal child of their father.

What is an illegitimate child?

Illegitimacy, status of children begotten and born outside of wedlock. Many statutes either state, or are interpreted to mean, that usually a child born under a void marriage is not illegitimate if his parents clearly believed that they were legally married.

What is another word for the word illegitimate?

What is another word for illegitimate? “Moreover, as Lord Scarman recognised, pressure which appears legitimate might be illegitimate if applied for the wrong motives.” “The illegitimate child of this union is the occasion for the legacy.” “It is not illegitimate to seek a parallel between the two events.”

Which is the best synonym for the word illicitly?

It is needless to remark that the only foodstuffs now for secret sale are those that have been stolen or illicitly concealed. Jackson County has never had a feud; its chief lawlessness has been the promiscuous sale of whiskey, illicitly, of course.

Is there such a thing as an illegitimate son?

Who he is no one exactly knows; some say an illegitimate son of Beckendorff. The fate of illegitimate children who are “farmed out” is still worse. Girls who have illegitimate children often lose their situations and their honor. I am haunted by the thought of that illegitimate child of my husband’s.

What did Lord Scarman mean by the word illegitimate?

“Moreover, as Lord Scarman recognised, pressure which appears legitimate might be illegitimate if applied for the wrong motives.” “The illegitimate child of this union is the occasion for the legacy.”

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