What are the major routes of elimination of a drug?

These organs or structures use specific routes to expel a drug from the body, these are termed elimination pathways: Urine, Tears, Perspiration.

What the most common route for excretion of drugs from the body?

Renal excretion is the most common route of drug elimination. However, many drugs are excreted into bile via the liver and some volatile substances (primarily gaseous anesthetics) can be excreted via the lungs.

Which is the major part of excretion of drug?

The kidneys are the principal organs for excreting water-soluble substances. The biliary system contributes to excretion to the degree that drug is not reabsorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

What three processes contribute to elimination of drugs in the kidney?

Three processes determine the renal excretion of drugs: glomerular filtration, passive tubular reabsorption and active tubular secretion. Thus, total renal excretion = excretion by filtration + excretion by secretion – retention by reabsorption.

What are the four stages of a drug’s life in the body?

Think of pharmacokinetics as a drug’s journey through the body, during which it passes through four different phases: absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME). The four steps are: Absorption: Describes how the drug moves from the site of administration to the site of action.

How do drugs exit the body?

While drugs and their metabolites are mostly excreted by the kidneys into urine, drugs can also leave the body in other methods, such as breath and sweat, hence the noticeable smell of alcohol on someone who has been drinking very heavily.

How do drugs leave the body?

How do kidneys eliminate drugs?

Most drugs (or metabolites) are excreted by the kidneys. Three process can occur in renal excretion: glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and passive reabsorption. Some drugs are eliminated by the liver in the bile and excreted in feces.

What do you mean by elimination of drugs?

Drug elimination is the removal of an administered drug from the body. It is accomplished in two ways, either by excretion of an unmetabolized drug in its intact form or by metabolic biotransformation followed by excretion.

What is unit of clearance total?

The units of clearance, like those of flow, are volume per unit time. Therefore, clearance represents that volume of blood (or plasma) from which the drug has been completely removed per unit time. For example, if drug concentration is 10 μg/ml and clearance is 100 ml/min, the rate of drug elimination is 1000 μg/min.

How is drug elimination carried out in the body?

Drug elimination is the removal of an administered drug from the body. It is accomplished in two ways, either by excretion of an unmetabolized drug in its intact form or by metabolic biotransformation followed by excretion. While excretion is primarily carried out by the kidneys, other organ systems are involved as well.

Which is the most important route of drug excretion?

Drug excretion is the removal of drugs from the body, either as a metabolite or unchanged drug. There are many different routes of excretion, including urine, bile, sweat, saliva, tears, milk, and stool. By far, the most important excretory organs are the kidney and liver.

What are the different routes of Drug Administration?

The various routes of drug administration include: Oral administration – This includes swallowing pills, drinking a liquid, or eating a substance.

How are lipid soluble drugs eliminated from the body?

Lipid soluble drugs are not readily eliminated until they are metabolized to more polar compounds. Possible sources of excretion include: Breath ; Urine ; Saliva ; Perspiration ; Feces ; Milk ; Bile; Hair


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