What are the bones in upper limb?

Upper extremity bones: The 64 upper extremity bones consist of 10 shoulder and arm, 16 wrist and 38 hand bones. The 10 shoulder and arm bones are the clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, and ulna on each side.

What bones articulate the humerus?

Humerus, long bone of the upper limb or forelimb of land vertebrates that forms the shoulder joint above, where it articulates with a lateral depression of the shoulder blade (glenoid cavity of scapula), and the elbow joint below, where it articulates with projections of the ulna and the radius.

Is humerus the upper limb?

The humerus is a long bone of the upper limb, which extends from the shoulder to the elbow. The proximal aspect of the humerus articulates with the glenoid fossa of the scapula, forming the glenohumeral joint.

What is the humerus bone in the arm?

The humerus — also known as the upper arm bone — is a long bone that runs from the shoulder and scapula (shoulder blade) to the elbow. Fractures of the humerus are classified in one of two ways: proximal humerus fracture or humerus shaft fracture.

What is the largest bone of the upper limbs?

Anatomical Parts The humerus is the longest and largest bone of the upper extremity that runs from the shoulder to the elbow. It connects the scapula and the lower arm (consisting of the radius and ulna), and consists of three sections.

What muscles attach to humerus?

Muscle Attachments

Muscle Attachment
Infraspinatus Greater Tubercle
Teres Minor Greater Tubercle Upper Part of the Lateral Border
Subscapularis Lesser Tubercle
Pectoralis Major Upper Part of the Anterior Border

What bone articulates medially with humerus?

Humerus is a typical long bone present in the arm that articulates proximally with the scapula and distally with the bones of the forearm, namely, radius and ulna. Its proximal end consists of the head, greater tubercle and lesser tubercle.

How long does it take to heal a broken humerus?

The aim is rehabilitation to a functional range of movement. Generally recovery takes at least one year but union is expected at 6-8 weeks. Adequate treatment of those at risk of osteoporosis. It is defined as a posterolateral humeral head compression fracture and can occur following anterior shoulder dislocation.

What are the bony landmarks of the humerus?

The lateral surface of the scapula faces the humerus. It is the site of the glenohumeral joint, and of various muscle attachments. Its important bony landmarks include: Glenoid fossa – a shallow cavity, located superiorly on the lateral border. It articulates with the head of the humerus to form the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint.

What are the two names of the forearm bone?

Among the two bones in the forearm, the ulna is the longer and larger one. It connects the forearm to the upper arm at the elbow. The ulna belongs to the category of long bones owing to its long, narrow structure. A number of movements of the arm, the wrist and the hands occur due to the support of the muscles which are attached to the ulna.

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