From time to time any student faces difficulties in writing a really good review paper. How to start it? How to write the main body? What are the conclusions? These questions should be considered before taking to writing. Anyway, even if all details are taken into account, you still can’t be 100% sure that your work meets all necessary requirements. So, now let’s look through the common mistakes that are usually made by both experienced students and inexperienced ones.
Top 5 most spread errors in students’ works
1. Your paper shouldn’t include a strong scientific component
Every student should hold it in his mind that a review paper shouldn’t have scientific ground. On the contrary, this work is based on previous experiments and the author’s conclusions. If members of the editorial board find out that your paper doesn’t meet this criterion, your work might be turned down without the right to publish it.
2. An inappropriate title
A great many mistakes appear when formulating a title for your work. The most common of them are:
a) your title contradicts your content;
b) your title contradicts scientific style (which is one of the most important criteria);
c) your title has some new terms introduced by the author himself that are difficult to understand.
3. The structure of a review paper
All material has to be structured according to some definite norms:
• First of all, some theme (a problem) and its connection to some practical solutions should be defined;
• New aspects which require solution should be stressed;
• You need to formulate your work’s aim clear;
• Then you have to present the main body describing the course of your work;
• The last passage should contain your conclusions.
4. A lot of errors in the very text of your work
Before sending your finished paper to the editors you should read it again and make sure there aren’t any spelling, grammar or syntactical errors. You should also pay attention to the difference between dash and hyphen. Try to formulate your reference list correctly following the main rules.
5. No argumentation
All the facts that are presented in your work should be analyzed and scientifically proven. Otherwise, your paper won’t be seriously considered and appreciated.
How the structure of the correct review paper should look like
It’s no secret that the structure is one of the key elements of a well-written work, so let’s pay attention to the following parts:
1. Title
Your title should be interesting to an audience so that it could catch everyone’s attention at once. But be careful: it must meet the requirements of scientific style.
2. Annotation
Annotation is a general and brief insight of your work. When working on an annotation, you have to know quite well what your paper is going to be about and what interesting information it can carry. You’d better write it at the end of your work when you know all the ins and outs of your work. It’s recommended to limit it to 200 words.
3. Introduction
This part gives your readers information about the structure and interconnection of all the elements in your review paper.
4. The main body
There you should present a critical review of the collected material and an analysis of different scientific works and theories. And then you have to end it making your own conclusions.
5. Conclusions
Conclusions are recommendations for further researches that can contain some suggestions on introducing scientific innovations for finding solutions.
If you still have doubts about whether you can cope with this task, you can use a paper review service.
How to find a reliable site
First of all, you have to read all the comments written by previous visitors. Then you should make sure that there is an official agreement between the site and its users. Otherwise, don’t even risk! The next step is to ask for the personal contacts of your writer so that you can keep in contact with him personally. The next tip is to check how the process is going. In other words, ask to send you your work by passages. And the last advice is to ask for anti-plagiarism results when your work is finished.