How do you write with coherence?

Establishing CoherenceWrite sentences that flow by varying the lengths and structures, the use of correct punctuation, and broadening your word choices.Use simple transitions, such as in addition, additionally, furthermore, therefore, thus, on the contrary, by the same token, at the same time, in other words, etc.

What is coherence in a text?

In a coherent text, there are logical links between the words, sentences, and paragraphs of the text. The term comes from the Latin verb co-haerere, which means ‘to stick together’ (OED). Another way to describe coherence is to say that it has to do with good and smooth text flow.

What is coherence in communication?

The term coherence refers to the smooth flow of ideas in a text. There are two main strategies that will make your writing coherent: organizing your ideas in a logical order, and connecting them effectively by using transition words and phrases.

What are coherent sources of light?

Laser light is an example of coherent source of light. The light emitted by the laser light has the same frequency and phase. Sound waves are another example of coherent sources. The electrical signals from the sound waves travel with the same frequency and phase.

Is Sun a coherent source?

Most light sources, in fact, exhibit both spatial coherence related to the angular size of the source and temporal coherence related to its wavelength profile. Even though the sun is considered to be an incoherent source, sunlight has enough coherence to impart speckle to the image formed in a microscope.

What are the methods to obtain coherent sources?

Generally coherence in interference is obtained by two methods (1) Division of wave front where wavefront is divided into two parts by reflection, refraction or diffraction and those two parts reunite at a small angle to produce interference as done in case of Young’s double slit experiment and Fresnel’s biprism …

What is difference between diffraction and interference?

Diffraction is the result of light propagation from distinct part of the same wavefront. While interference is the result of the interaction of light coming from two separate wavefronts. The width of the fringes in case of diffraction is not equal while the fringe width in case of interference is equal.

What are types of diffraction?

We can define two distinct types of diffraction: (a) Fresnel diffraction is produced when light from a point source meets an obstacle, the waves are spherical and the pattern observed is a fringed image of the object. (b) Fraunhofer diffraction occurs with plane wave-fronts with the object effectively at infinity.

What is the principle of interference?

Interference occurs when two waves of the same frequency are simultaneously present at the same place and are coherent. The two waves combine to form a single wave whose intensity depends not only on the intensities of the two individual waves, but also on the phase difference between them.

Can sound waves be diffracted?

In fact, when the wavelength of the wave is smaller than the obstacle or opening, no noticeable diffraction occurs. Diffraction of sound waves is commonly observed; we notice sound diffracting around corners or through door openings, allowing us to hear others who are speaking to us from adjacent rooms.

Can sound travel in a vacuum?

IN SPACE, no one can hear you scream. Sound waves are travelling vibrations of particles in media such as air, water or metal. So it stands to reason that they cannot travel through empty space, where there are no atoms or molecules to vibrate.

Can sound waves be polarized?

In contrast, in longitudinal waves, such as sound waves in a liquid or gas, the displacement of the particles in the oscillation is always in the direction of propagation, so these waves do not exhibit polarization.

How do you divert sound waves?

Researchers in Spain have proven that metamaterials, materials defined by their unusual man-made cellular structure, can be designed to produce an acoustic cloak — a cloak that can make objects impervious to sound waves, literally diverting sound waves around an object.

Is mirror a sound reflecting material?

Just as a mirror reflects light, some surfaces reflect sound. A sound reflection that you can hear as a separate repetition is called an echo. We do not hear an echo if we are close to the reflecting surface. They absorb sound.

What materials can reflect sound?

Sound-Reflecting Materials That Cause Echoes and ReverberationsMarble.Granite.Clay Brick.Ceramic Tile.Smooth Concrete.Plaster.Metal.Glass.

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