How do I program my Viper remote to my car?

To Put Your Remote Into Car 2 Mode

  1. Press and hold the “F” button for 8 seconds until the screen says “main menu”
  2. Release the “F” button and the screen should say “setup remote”
  3. Press the “F” button one time, the screen should now say “keypad lock”
  4. Press the remote start button until the screen says “CAR 2”

How do I program my Viper 7345V remote?

Watch a short video below explaining how to pair your 7345V remote:

  1. Leave the vehicle door open while pairing.
  2. Use the vehicle key in the ignition and turn it to the on position.
  3. Find the antennae button.
  4. Press and release the button, then hold it.
  5. Press lock when ready to begin pairing.

How do you reset a Viper?

If you want to reset your Viper alarm, you can do so with your car’s fob key.

  1. Point the fob key toward your vehicle as the alarm sounds.
  2. Listen and wait for your alarm to sound for six seconds. Press the lock button on your key. Your vehicle’s Viper alarm will reset but the alarm will still be armed.

How do I pair my Viper?

Viper Support Center

  1. Leave the vehicle door open while pairing.
  2. Use the vehicle key in the ignition and turn it to the on position.
  3. Find the antennae button.
  4. Press and release the button, then hold it.
  5. Press lock when ready to begin pairing.
  6. The final step is to test the setup is working properly.

What do you need to know about Viper car alarms?

Viper is the most recognized name in vehicle security and auto remote start systems, and an industry leader in cloud connected car technology. Viper products include car alarms, remote car starters, wireless home security and automation, window film, window tint, SmartStart, interface modules, accessories, transmitters and remotes.

What happens if I Reset my Viper alarm remote?

If you do this, your viper alarm remote will not be reset; hence you will have done nothing. Since there are different designs of viper alarms that have been designed nowadays, the above way may fail to work. And if “Solution 1” didn’t work for you, there are several other simple ways that you can also try. Here are some of those ways:

Do you need to Know Your Viper remote part number?

There are a lot of viper remotes in the market today. This is because viper has produced a lot of remote controls over the years that may seem similar, but they are different. So, if you are looking for the right viper replacement remote, you will need to know your remote’s RPN (Remote Part Number).

Where is the white stripe on the Viper remote?

It is a black wire with a white stripe and is located in the Viper remote start system. This may not be a typical case, but it can sometimes occur. To solve this, you will need to start by replacing the batteries with a new one and see if it works. If not, you can begin re-pairing your remote.

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