Do you have to cite every sentence in Chicago?

Q. When doing footnotes, do you put a footnote after every sentence, even if two or more consecutive sentences are from the same source and same page? Footnotes should be placed where you need them, not according to a rule. …

How do you cite the same author twice in Chicago style?

When you are referencing the same source in two (or more) footnotes the second and subsequent references should be entered as “Ibid.” and the page number for the relevant footnote. Use “Ibid.” without any page number if the page is the same as the previous reference.

How do you cite with no author in Chicago style?

In a Chicago footnote citation, when the author of a source is unknown (as is often the case with websites), start the citation with the title in a full note. In short notes and bibliography entries, list the organization that published it as the author.

Is Ibid still used in Chicago style?

From The Chicago Manual of Style, section 14.34: You may use the Latin abbreviation “Ibid.” when referring to a single work cited in the note immediately preceding. For example: 5.

What does Ibid mean in Chicago style?

Shortened citations versus

What is Ibid short for?

– An abbreviation for the Latin ‘ibidem’ which means ‘in the same place’. When you see the word ‘ibid. ‘ in a reading list it is referring you to material in a source just mentioned. For example it could be another chapter of a book that has just been referred to.

How do you write Ibid in text?

Use “ibid.” (no italics) to refer to the only work cited in the preceding note. It may or may not include a page number (Ibid., 43.). Ibid. is never used if the preceding note consists of more than one source. Do not use “op.

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