What is meant by circle diagram of induction motor?

heyland in 1894 and B.A. Behrend in 1895, the circle diagram is the graphical representation of the performance of the electrical machine drawn in terms of the locus of the machine’s input voltage and current. The circle diagram can be drawn for alternators, synchronous motors, transformers, induction motors.

What is the use of circle diagram of induction motor?

A circle diagram is a graphical representation of the performance of an electrical machine. It is commonly used to illustrate the performance of transformers, alternators, synchronous motors, and induction motors.

Which parameters of machines can be determined by circle diagram?

The circle diagram helps to identify Max. Torques , Current , slip, power factor, Efficiency and electromagnetic values, which describe the machine’s operation mode at different slip values and gives them a better description when machine’s operating mode is changing.

What are the starting methods of induction motor?

Reduced voltage method for starting squirrel cage induction motor

  • Stator resistor starting method.
  • Auto transformer staring method.
  • Star delta starting method.

What are power circle diagram?

Power circle diagrams drawn for either sending or receiving ends of a transmission line do not have a common centre for the voltage circles, nor are the power axes within the same semicircle. Es, Is — Sending-end line voltage and current. Er, lr — Receiving-end line voltage and current.

What is circular diagram?

A circular diagram is a graphical representation used in economics to represent the financial transactions in an economy. The basic circular diagram consists of two segments that dictate revenue, investment, and output: flow of physical things (goods or labour) and flow of money (what pays for physical things).

What are the different types of circle diagram?

The circular charting shapes include circular motion, circle, trapezoid ring, basic loop, divergent circle, divergent blocks, highlight circle, variable radian, bevel style circle, circle pie, Venn circle, among others.

What is a circle diagram called?

A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among things or finite groups of things. Circles that overlap have a commonality while circles that do not overlap do not share those traits. Venn diagrams help to visually represent the similarities and differences between two concepts.

Which diagram is circular diagram?

How to draw circle diagram of induction motor?

To draw a circle diagram like the one below: The no-load current and the no load angle calculated from no load test is plotted. This is shown by the line OA, where Ɵ 0 is the no load power factor angle. The short circuit current and the angle obtained from block rotor test is plotted. This is shown by the line OC and the angle is shown by Ɵ B.

How is the stator current of an induction motor calculated?

The stator current is calculated from the equivalent circuit of the induction motor which we get from the two tests. That current is plotted in the circle diagram according to the scale with touching origin and a point in the circle diagram which is shown by B.

Which is the phase voltage of an induction motor?

The circle diagram provides the information about the power output, losses and the efficiency of the induction motor. Let the phase voltage V 1 be taken along the vertical axis OY as shown in the figure below. The No Load current I0 = OA lags behind V 1 by an angle ϕ 0.

How is the torque of an induction motor obtained?

When the tangent to the circle is parallel to the line then output power will be maximum. That point M is obtained by drawing a perpendicular line from the center to the output line and extending it to cut at M. When the tangent to the circle is parallel to the torque line, it gives maximum torque.

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