
Cosa significa TNM?

Cosa significa TNM? Il modo in cui un fenomeno come l’estensione del tumore e la sua diffusione vengono trasformati in sigla dipende dal sistema di classificazione utilizzato. Il più comune […]


How do I publish a Visual Studio profile?

How do I publish a Visual Studio profile? Create a publish profile in Visual Studio by choosing one of the following paths: Right-click the project in Solution Explorer and select […]


Wie kann man Kalkwasser nachweisen?

Wie kann man Kalkwasser nachweisen? Löst man Calciumhydroxid in Wasser, entsteht Kalkwasser, das sich bei Einleiten von Kohlenstoffdioxid durch Calciumcarbonat-Bildung trübt. Als Nebenprodukt der Reaktion entsteht Wasser. Die Reaktion lässt […]


Why do we need to recycle metals?

Why do we need to recycle metals? Advantages of recycling metals more economic – less energy is needed to produce a metal. less damage to the environment – fewer quarries […]


Wat houdt het eigen risico in?

Wat houdt het eigen risico in? Het eigen risico is een drempelbedrag dat verzekerden vanaf 18 jaar moeten betalen zodra ze zorgkosten maken die vallen onder de basisverzekering. De overheid […]


How many jerseys have the Yankees retired?

How many jerseys have the Yankees retired? 21 different The Yankees have retired 21 different numbers for 23 players/managers. 8 is double-retired for Yogi Berra & Bill Dickey, while 42 […]