What is the meaning of Sorti?

1 : a sudden issuing of troops from a defensive position against the enemy. 2 : one mission or attack by a single plane. 3a : foray, raid. b : excursion, expedition diving sorties.

How do you spell Sortee?

verb (used without object), sor·tied, sor·tie·ing. to go on a sortie; sally forth.

Is sortie masculine or feminine?

So, if the subject is masculine, the participle is sorti. If the subject is feminine, that becomes sortie. If the subject is plural, you have to make that agree, too.

Is there such a word as Sortee?

SORTEE is a service organization which brings together researchers working to improve reliability and transparency through cultural and institutional changes in ecology, evolutionary biology, and related fields broadly defined.

Why is it called a sortie?

A sortie is a french word for “military mission.” It is defined as an operation carried out by a deployed unit, which can be an aircraft, ships or a group of people. For example, if the board reads “389 FS – BEHIND 55 SRT,” it means that the 389th Fighter Squadron has to complete 55 sorties to reach their goal.

What is the difference between Sortir and partir in French?

Partir is an irregular -ir verb that conveys the particular meaning of ‘leaving with the intention of going somewhere. Sortir is an irregular -ir verb that conveys the particular meaning of ‘going out or to exit from an enclosed space. ‘ It is often followed by the preposition de.

What does Sorete mean?

sorete {masculine} volume_up. 1. South America, vulgar. turd {noun} [vulg.] ( excrement)

What is the past tense of sortir in French?

The passé composé of Sortir is formed by combining the auxiliary verb être with the past participle sorti.

How many planes are in a sortie?

In aviation In military aviation, a sortie is a combat mission of an individual aircraft, starting when the aircraft takes off. For example, one mission involving six aircraft would tally six sorties. The sortie rate is the number of sorties that a given unit can support in a given time.

What is the difference between a sortie and a mission?

is that sortie is (military) an offensive military mission used originally to mean an attack from a fortress, but most commonly used today to describe a single mission by a military aircraft while mission is (countable) a set of tasks that fulfills a purpose or duty; an assignment set by an employer.

How to get the French word of the day?

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What does it mean to go on a sortie?

A flight of a combat aircraft on a mission. To go on a sortie. [French, from feminine past participle of sortir, to go out, from Old French.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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