What are some statistics about Instagram?

Key Instagram Statistics

  • 1 billion Instagram users (official statistics), 1.16 billion estimated as of Q3 2020 (Hootsuite/We Are Social)
  • 500 million daily active users of Instagram Stories (official statistics)
  • Gender split of Instagram users estimated at 51% female to 49% male (Hootsuite/We Are Social)

How do I check my stats on Instagram?

To view account insights:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the Insights action button.
  3. Tap the metrics under the Overview section or specific content you’ve shared for a more detailed breakdown.

What percentage of the population uses Instagram?

As of July 2021, it was found that 15.7 percent of global active Instagram users were women between the ages of 25 and 34 years….Distribution of Instagram users worldwide as of July 2021, by age and gender.

Characteristic Female Male
35-44 9% 7.3%
45-54 4.7% 3.4%
55-64 2.3% 1.5%
65+ 1.3% 1%

Why is Instagram so popular 2020?

This is mainly due to Instagram’s ability to anticipate users’ needs, prioritize their trust, keep abreast of competition, and leverage current trends. We think Instagram 2020 will still be marketers’ favorite platforms to reach out to their audiences and create amazing shopping experiences.

How can you tell whos looking at your Instagram?

Can you tell who has saved or forwarded the post? From within the app you can’t tell who has saved and forwarded your posts, and nobody can see photos that each other have saved via their profile. So unfortunately, there isn’t a way to see who these people are. This is exactly how the Instagram algorithm works.

What age group uses Instagram most?

59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram and 33% of internet users between the ages of 30 and 49 use Instagram. According to one study, 17% of teenagers say that Instagram is the most important social media platform to them and 90% of users are under 35 years old.

Why Is Instagram So Popular?

There are loads of reasons for Instagram’s popularity. Some of these are mentioned down below. Most social media applications allow users to share their media through the camera roll or within the app. Instagram makes photo sharing much more intriguing with its quality and allowance of manipulating pictures.

What age group is on Instagram?

As of July 2021, 31.4 percent of U.S. Instagram users were between 25 and 34 years old. The second-largest user group was 18 to 24 year olds with a 25.7 percent share. Overall, roughly 58 percent of Instagram audiences in the United States were female.

What is the average number of followers per user on Instagram?

The average number of followers for a personal Instagram account is 150. The purpose of having a personal account is to connect with friends and family. Therefore, if you have a personal account, users are following you because they know you, not because of your follower/following ratio.

What is the average number of likes on Instagram?

The statistical average of Likes on Instagram photos is 26.19 Likes, with a standard deviation of 154.07; the high standard deviation is caused by the few photos with thousands of Likes. If you analyze the distribution of Likes for each discrete number of tags,…

What are some interesting facts about Instagram?

Interesting Facts about Instagram Instagram is unique; it is a free photo sharing program where individuals can share their photos and may apply some digital filter to it and share it to some friends. Instagram allows the Facebook users and followers to share their creations and their talents.

Who uses Instagram the most?

The Pew Research study found that, of three major ethnic groups it surveyed, black Americans were using Instagram the most. In the United States, 43 percent of black respondents said they use Instagram. That’s compared to 38 percent of Hispanic respondents and 32 percent of white respondents.

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