Is there antivenom for krait?
Polyvalent anti-venom serum is effective against the bites of the Big Four – cobra, saw-scaled viper, common krait, Russell’s viper. If a venomous snake bites someone, just remember two things: don’t panic; go to a hospital and get anti-venom serum. Keep the victim calm, restrict movement.
How do you identify a krait snake bite?
The few symptoms of the bite include: tightening of the facial muscles in one to two hours of the bite; inability of the bite victim to see or talk, and, if left untreated, the patient may die from respiratory paralysis within four to five hours. A clinical toxicology study gives an untreated mortality rate of 70-80%.
Can you survive a krait bite?
In reported outcomes in proven common krait bites from Northwest India, mortality has been as high as 77% [6]. However since the availability of assisted ventilation, mortality is considerably lower in those patients who reach hospital in time.
What happens when common krait bite?
Common krait bites cause muscular paralysis due to the venom disrupting communication between the nerves and muscles. This becomes life-threatening for the patient if there is paralysis of the muscles used for breathing.
Are there any anti venoms for North Indian common kraits?
The anti-venom also failed to counter the venom of north Indian common kraits, one of the four widespread snakes whose venom’s effects it is supposed to work against.
What’s the mortality rate of a krait bite?
Krait bite. Krait envenomation is quite common in India, Taiwan, Vietnam, and other Asian countries. In a study by Ha (2009)1, 60 krait envenomations were studied. The results showed that the mortality rate was 7% out of all those bitten, with a mean age of the victims being 33 and 71% of the victims being males.
Where does the Anti Venom in India come from?
Another could be that all of India’s venoms are sourced from snakes in Tamil Nadu alone. India’s anti-venom is derived from the venoms of four widespread species: the Russell’s viper, the saw-scaled viper, the spectacled cobra and the common krait, together known as the ‘Big Four’.
Is it possible to get bit by a krait in India?
Kraits are nocturnal creatures; therefore the risk of being bitten by a krait is highly increased at night. Krait envenomation is quite common in India, Taiwan, Vietnam, and other Asian countries. In a study by Ha (2009) 1, 60 krait envenomations were studied.