How do you write a blurb?


  1. Reference the genre and central theme.
  2. Create intrigue around the main conflict.
  3. Dive right in and introduce your protagonist.
  4. Keep it short and punchy.
  5. Reference your book-writing or professional status, if it relates to your book.

What is the blurb of a text?

What’s a Text Blurb? Text blurbs (“blurbs” for short), are reusable pieces of content that can be placed on multiple pages. This is useful for information you might want to repeat in multiple places on your site, but you don’t want to have to update in several areas.

How do you make a catchy blurb?

4 Tips for Writing an Outstanding Blurb

  1. Give readers what they want—but not everything. Your blurb should tease the main conflict and encourage readers to feel concerned for your characters, but don’t go too far and include any big spoilers.
  2. Make sure it’s appropriate for your genre.
  3. Focus on readability.
  4. Read examples.

How do you write a short blurb?

How to Write a Book Blurb

  1. Know your genre. To each genre their own, one thing to keep in mind when it comes to writing book blurbs.
  2. Give readers what they want.
  3. Start with a hook.
  4. Don’t summarize, entice.
  5. Aim for 150 words.
  6. Avoid clichés and cheesy lines.
  7. Write in the third person.
  8. Appeal to your readers’ emotions.

What’s another word for blurb?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for blurb, like: book jacket, -ad-, indorsement, announcement, endorsement, commendation, puff, tagline, tag-line, advertisement and brief.

What do you write in a blurb about yourself?

Writing Your Blurb or Bio: The Essential Points

  1. The Opening: this should be creative and interesting and should never begin with dull platitudes such as, “Hi.
  2. Relevant Details and Professional Achievements: your blurb should include your special and unique skills, talents, know-how, wisdom and experience.

Is a blurb a summary?

A blurb on a book can be any combination of quotes from the work, the author, the publisher, reviews or fans, a summary of the plot, a biography of the author or simply claims about the importance of the work.

How do you introduce yourself in blurb?

How to write your first blurb?

Part 2 of 3: Turning the Information into Your Blurb Pick up your readers with a hook. Think of the first line of your blurb as a pick up line for a date. Tell your readers about the story. Focus on the important aspects of your characters and plot or argument after your hook line. End with a bang or a cliffhanger. Avoid misleading your readers.

How to ask for blurbs?

and especially not social media.

  • Follow the author on social media.
  • Make things as simple as possible for the author.
  • Another big no no?
  • it’s okay to offer them a way to politely decline.
  • What does “short blurb” mean?

    The definition of a blurb is a short advertisement, announcement or description. An example of a blurb is a short, informal piece of writing indicating what the final paper will cover. A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket.

    What does story blurb mean?

    A blurb is a short summary or promotional piece accompanying a creative work. The word was coined in 1907 by American humorist Gelett Burgess. It may refer to the text on the back of a book but can also be seen on DVD and video cases, web portals and news websites. A blurb may introduce a newspaper or magazine feature story.

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