What does it mean when you and your boyfriend have the same birthday?

Unless you were born at the exact same time in the exact same place, your rising sign (if not your Mercury sign as well) won’t match your partner’s. It simply implies that you and your partner didn’t instantly connect on every astrological level.

Is it weird to have the same birthday as your boyfriend?

It’s certainly a rarity. Statistically speaking, with 365 days in a year, there’s a . 27 percent chance of any two people sharing the same calendar date as birthdays. And those odds mean that it’s possible – improbable but not impossible – for those two people to have a connection and marry.

What are the odds of a couple having the same birthday?

One person has a 1/365 chance of meeting someone with the same birthday. Two people have a 1/183 chance of meeting someone with the same birthday. But! Those two people might also have the same birthday, right, so you have to add odds of 1/365 for that.

What do you call a person with the same birthday?

Apparently astrologers have a term for this, ‘date-twins’. If the details are precisely the same then they call them astro-twins.

What are birthday twins?

“birthday twins” (born on the same day & same month) “birthdate twins” (born on the same day & same month & same year) “time twins” (born on the same day & same month & same year)

Is it possible for someone to have the same birthday as you?

Recently bumped into someone on a plane who is April 17 Aries like me (but a few years older)… There were a few sparks and it feels vibey. Thing is I’ve been in a relationship before with someone else with same April 17 birthday. He was 4 years younger and it was years ago in my 20’s and it ended up being the awful Saturn return kind of break up.

Can a person be born on the same day as a time twin?

People born on the same day, same year and same time are termed ‘time twins’, whether or not they share a birth place, and there has been much research into this fascinating phenomenon. In your case, however, the sharing of birthdays has no significance beyond making it a joyful double celebration!

How can I find out who was born on my birthday?

Fill out the form and we’ll tell you the celebrities and historic figures born on your birthday (or any other special day): You can also browse by birth year and by birthplace, or see who died on your birthday.

Is it good to share a birthday with your husband?

Anyways, the best thing about sharing a birthday with my husband isn’t just that it draws the attention away from me; it’s also that I get to share the limelight with my best friend every single year.

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