How is terrorism defined in the United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom’s Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism to include an act “designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system”. An act of violence is not even necessary under this definition. The United States has defined terrorism under the Federal Criminal Code.

What is the definition of a certified Act of terrorism?

Certified Act Of Terrorism. Definition. A terrorist act that is eligible for coverage under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). Such acts are certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, applying criteria spelled out in TRIA.

What makes an act of terrorism eligible for insurance?

A terrorist act that is eligible for coverage under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA). Such acts are certified by the Secretary of the Treasury, applying criteria spelled out in TRIA.

What is the definition of state sponsored terrorism?

The definition, however, does not rule out state-sponsored terrorism where a government clandestinely assists a terrorist group through various means, including supplying weapons, safe haven, intelligence, training, funding, or safe passage ( Mickolus, 1989; Bapat, 2006 ).

What was the definition of terrorism in 2002?

Committee on Intelligence (2002): “Terrorism is the illegitimate, premeditated violence or threat of violence by subnational groups against persons of property with the intent to coerce a government by installing fear amongst the

Which is the best definition of state terrorism?

State Terrorism State terrorism has been defined as acts of terrorism conducted by governments or terrorism carried out directly by, or encouraged and funded by, an established government of a state (country) or terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support of international terrorism.

What is the army manual definition of terrorism?

Army Manual definition terrorism is the “calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear. It is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies

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