Will Syria ever be safe?

Syria has experienced active armed conflict since 2011. No part of Syria is safe from violence. Kidnappings by armed groups, unjust arrests and/or detentions, the use of chemical warfare, shelling, and aerial bombardment of civilian centers pose significant risk of death or serious injury.

Does Syria have the right to vote?

The Law stipulates that elections are to be held with public, secret, direct and equal voting where each Syrian voter, eighteen years and older, has one vote. The Law does not allow army members and policemen in service to participate in elections.

When was the last election in Syria?

Presidential elections were held in Syria on 3 June 2014. The elections took place amidst the Syrian Civil War, which had begun three years before.

Is Syria a one party state?

Politics in the Syrian Arab Republic takes place in the framework of a semi-presidential republic with multiparty representation. The new Syrian constitution of 2012 introduced multi-party system based on the principle of political pluralism without guaranteed leadership of any political party.

What is the opinion of the United States on Syria?

Thirty-six percent of Americans favor the U.S. taking military action in order to reduce Syria’s ability to use chemical weapons. The majority — 51% — oppose such action, while 13% are unsure.

Do you favor or oppose military action in Syria?

Thirty-six percent of Americans favor the U.S. taking military action in order to reduce Syria’s ability to use chemical weapons. The majority — 51% — oppose such action, while 13% are unsure. Americans also opposed military intervention in Syria in a May Gallup survey.

How did the US get involved in the Syrian War?

Public support for action in Syria may also be bolstered by congressional authorization. Two wars with high levels of initial approval, Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, were authorized by Congress via legislation. However, both conflicts took place in a national security climate still deeply influenced by the tragic Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

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