How do I default a oaf page?

Set Default Value for messageTextInput in OAF

  1. Create a New OA Workspace and Empty OA Project.
  2. Create Application Module AM.
  3. Create a OA components Page.
  4. Select SetDefaultPG and go to the strcuture pane where a default region has been created.
  5. Select region1 and set the following properties:
  6. Create the Second Region.

What is OAF default type?

The default is null (not set). This is a system profile option specifically created for use by Oracle Support. You can set this profile option to Yes at the site or application level.

How do I get an oaf page value?

There are 4 ways to get the value of MessageStyled text from OAF page in CO. Get the handler of the VO which is used by that field. Get the handler of the bean and use that handler to get the value. Get the handler of the item using getParameter() method.

What is OAF form value?

The formValue item style adds a value that will be submitted with a form, but not displayed to the user. The value submitted with the form comes from the associated formValue element attributes “viewName” and “viewAttr”.

How do you value LOV in oaf?

To get the lov value , first we need to capture the Lov event means we need to check is the LOV selected by the user in the OAF Page and once we got that event that user selected the Lov in the oaf page then we will write the code to get the lov value in the OAF Page.

What does oaf mean?


Acronym Definition
OAF Office of Administration and Finance (various locations)
OAF Only A Fool
OAF Oracle Applications Framework
OAF Operation Allied Force

What is OAF pages in Oracle Apps?

Oracle Application Framework (OAF) is an architecture for creating web based front end pages and J2EE type of applications within the Oracle EBS ERP platform. – The OA Framework helps to create self Service pages in Oracle EBS. – The OA Framework helps in controlling the flow of the application.

How do I get LOV value in oaf?

How do you create a message LOV input in oaf?

Right Click “region1”. Click New=>Click Item. Now Click on Item1.

How do you make a field read only in oaf?


  1. Navigate to returns portal page.
  2. Select ‘enter return’
  3. select personalization link ‘Personalize “Returns Information”‘
  4. select personalize icon for name = ‘Message Text Input: Quantity’
  5. Set initial value = 4.
  6. Set read only = true.
  7. Save.
  8. re-open the returns portal..

How do you make a field read only in Oracle Forms?

Follow the following steps inorder to make a form as Query only/Read Only.

  1. Login into the System Administrator/Application Developer responsibility.
  2. Navigate to ‘Security -> Responsibility -> Define’
  3. Query for the responsibility for which you want to make the form as ‘Query Only’ and copy the ‘Menu’ name.

Is Lov event in oaf?

Lov prepare event is the lov event of the OAF. This event fires in the OAF page in one specific case , when user did not populate this LOV in the OAF page directly instead , user click on the Torch icon of the Lov field item so in this case , this lov prepare event fires in the oaf Page.

How to set default values for oaf items?

For messageCheckBox item we have to set some default properties. Initial Value:- Y (By default if u want to check the check box give the value Y). Checked Value:-ONE (By default which check box u want to check give that value). value). Initially Checked:-TRUE (By default if u want to check set the value to true).

How to check single value in OAF by sspatil?

To check the single value we have to create one group for all the radio buttons programmatically. For this first we have to create the controller. Right click on main region and select set new controller. Give the name for the controller. By default in package we will get two webui just remove one webui.

How to enter text input items in OAF?

Message text input item will used to enter values. There the user can enter the details. First create two items and select the item and go to property inspector set item style as messageTextInput.

How to fill a default value if cell is blank in Excel?

With the Go To Special function, you also can find all blank cells firstly, then enter the value as you need. 1. Select the range you use, press Ctrl + G to open Go To dialog, click Special. 2. In the Go To Special dialog, check Blanks option. Click OK. 3.

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