When should I groom my goldendoodle puppy?

Introducing grooming at an early age is imperative! Most groomers will have a puppy special of some sort, which is offered as early as 8 weeks. This will typically include nail clipping, ear cleaning, a bath, and a trim around their face, paws, and potty areas.

What is a puppy cut for a goldendoodle?

Puppy Cut Sometimes called the teddy bear cut for Goldendoodles, this style is essentially an all-over, even-length trim (generally around 1-2 inches), and is wonderful for preventing mats and keeping your dog comfy and stylish.

How often should you get a goldendoodle haircut?

Goldendoodles kept in clips with a longer hair length need professional grooming every 6-8 weeks. If you keep your goldendoodle in a shorter clip, you can take her for grooming every 8-10 weeks.

What length do you cut a goldendoodle?

Most common Goldendoodle haircut. Evenly shaved throughout the body – Approximately 1-2 inches in hair length. Easy to bathe and clean your dog.

Why do groomers hate Doodles?

We are frustrated because so often we have to shave doodles due to matting, and those owners are frustrated because they don’t know what they’re doing wrong and like their dogs fluffy, and in turn get upset with the groomers, who are upset with the breeders for not giving out proper information to the owners when they …

Why does my Goldendoodle stink?

Why Does My Goldendoodle Smell? The seven most common causes of Goldendoodle smell are Ear Infections, Dental issues, Gas (or dietary), Atopy, Improperly cleaned coat, Anal Gland issues, Eye runs. They can all be easily treated at home.

Why do Goldendoodles bite so much?

First, please note that Goldendoodle puppies are playful, and biting is a way that they naturally play with their other siblings. The golden retriever inside your puppy is VERY intelligent and likes to nip by nature (chewy, nippy, etc.). A Goldendoodle biting a human should not be tolerable.

When should goldendoodle get first haircut?

If you’re not sure when to give your Goldendoodle puppy its first haircut, we suggest giving your pup its first haircut by the time it reaches six months of age. Their wavy, thicker, adult fur will start replacing their fluffy puppy fur around five to seven months.

Do goldendoodles need haircuts?

Goldendoodles need a haircut on average, every six weeks. In the winter you might be able to let it go for a week or two longer depending on how cold it gets where you live, but never let it go more than eight to ten weeks without giving them a trim.

When to start grooming goldendoodles?

We recommend waiting 6 months before taking your goldendoodle puppy her first full clip down grooming. The wavy, curly adult coat will start replacing the soft, fluffy puppy coat around 5-7 months of age.

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