Do you use cake boards between tiers?
Before you can stack a cake, all of the layers must be leveled, even and finished with buttercream or fondant. Every tier should be on a cake board (cardboard round or other shape), and the bottom tier should be on a thicker cake board to support all of that weight.
Do you use cake boards when stacking cakes?
Utilizing cake boards in a stacked cake not only assists in stabilizing but also makes it much easier to place each tier onto the cake. Purchase or cut the cake boards so they are the same size as the cake layer (or else the board will show). For smaller layers—6 inches or less—you can stack 2 cakes on 1 board.
How much bigger should a cake board be than the cake?
Choose a board which is at least two inches bigger than the cake tin it was baked in; this allows for the thickness of marzipan, icing and also for any decoration around the edge of the board. If you intend to put decoration or lettering on the board you might be better with an even larger size cake board.
Are cake boards necessary?
If you’re stacking any heavy cake, or any cake larger than 6″ in diameter, you absolutely should use a board or drum between the tiers. Even with smaller cakes, it is recommended to use them if you intend to stack more than two tiers.
Can I use straws as cake dowels?
I’ve stacked cakes up to 6 tiers using only straws. The reason I prefer them is that in my experience, dowels are hard to cut so that they are level on the bottom. They are also a pain to cut! Straws are strong, easy to cut and very inexpensive.
What size cake board should I use for a 6 inch cake?
For example, for a 3 tier cake with cakes of 6, 8 and 10 inches we would recommend boards of 8, 10 and 12 inches so that each board is 2 inches bigger than each cake.
What can I use if I don’t have a cake board?
Use a scalloped pie or tart pan: If you love cake stands with frilly edges, try using a tart, quiche or wavy-edged pie pan as the top of your cake stand. Just pick up an inexpensive candlestick holder at your local dollar store for the base and paint it to match whatever color your pie pan is.
How big should a cake board be for a single tier cake?
For single tier cakes I place my cake directly on the cake board, so my cake is set on the cake board itself. For multiple tiers – I I always cut two circles – One is minimum two inches bigger than the cake and the second is the same size as the cake. The smaller circle goes under the larger circle.
Can you use a cake board between layers?
I’ve used regular cake boards and i haven’t had a problem yet. For those of you who have only used cardboard cake circles, what about larger tiers, such as 12″ or 14″ rounds that are four layers of cake, three layers of filling, buttercream and fondant? These cakes are heavy as heck!
Can you put a three tier cake on a foam core board?
The cake drums that I get are good but expensive and most often they are not thick enough to bear the weight of some cakes. Most are hollow inside and won’t really bear the weight of big cakes. By the way, I would not put a three tier cake on a single ½ inch foam core board.
Where do you put the dowels in a tiered cake?
When inserting the dowels into the largest tier, you should start by putting one in the center of the cake; then place additional dowels a little inside the circumference where the next tier will sit (so the dowels are below the second tier). Once you have your cake layers and all of your supplies, you are ready to assemble a tiered cake.