Why is life expectancy low in Mali?

According to the CIA World Factbook, the life expectancy of a citizen of Mali is 60.8 years on average or 58.6 years for males and 63 years for females. Despite this massive population growth, Mali suffers from extreme infant and child mortality, which adversely affects life expectancy in Mali.

What is the main cause of death in Mali?

The mosquito-borne disease known as malaria is the primary cause of mortality in Mali, responsible for 19 percent of all deaths.

What is the life expectancy in Mali 2020?

59.69 years
In 2020, life expectancy at birth for Mali was 59.69 years. Life expectancy at birth of Mali increased from 33.08 years in 1971 to 59.69 years in 2020 growing at an average annual rate of 1.21%.

What diseases are in Mali?

Malaria and other arthropod-borne diseases are prevalent in Mali, as are a number of infectious diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, meningitis, Polio, rabies, malaria, and tuberculosis.

What is the death rate in Mali?

9.2 per 1,000 people
Mali – Crude death rate In 2020, death rate for Mali was 9.2 per 1,000 people. Death rate of Mali fell gradually from 31.2 per 1,000 people in 1971 to 9.2 per 1,000 people in 2020.

What is the healthcare like in Mali?

The Mali healthcare system As one of the poorest countries in the world, the healthcare system in Mali is severely lacking and heavily relies on foreign aid. Healthcare facilities and medicines in Mali are very limited, especially outside the capital city of Bamako.

Is education free in Mali?

Education in Mali is free and compulsory between ages 7 and 16, or until the end of grade nine. According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 69 percent of Mali children of primary school age are enrolled in primary school and 36 percent of secondary school-aged students are enrolled in secondary school.

Does Mali have good hospitals?

The Mali healthcare system Healthcare facilities and medicines in Mali are very limited, especially outside the capital city of Bamako. While there are a few public hospitals in Bamako and its surrounding areas, the lack of physicians and medicines makes it difficult to access treatment.

Is healthcare free in Mali?

In early 2019, the Malinese government made an announcement that shocked the global health world: it would make healthcare free at the point-of-service to pregnant women and children under 5 years of age. The country had achieved universal healthcare in Mali.

Why is the infant mortality rate so high in Mali?

Malnutrition is the number one cause of infant mortality. Acute malnutrition makes up 15% of the cases in Mali, and 20% of children are born underweight. Additionally, about 30% of the population has no access to potable water, which is the cause of many diseases. In Mali, female genital mutilation is widespread.

What is the infant mortality rate in Mali?

about 60.2 deaths per 1,000 live births
Infant mortality rate in Mali 2019 In 2019, the infant mortality rate in Mali was at about 60.2 deaths per 1,000 live births.

What is the average lifespan of a male in the United States?

In the United States, the average life expectancy for men is 73.4 years, whereas the average life expectancy for women is 80.1 years. Some countries have a much larger gap in the average life expectancies than others.

What is the average lifespan of an American white male?

The study, according to Live Science, found that national life expectancy or average life span for white males was about 75, while it was only 67.5 years for black males. The average life expectancy for white females was 80 years and black females 74.5 years.

What is the average age of death for Americans?

The average American man dies around the age of 84, and the American woman, on average, dies around the age of 86.

What is the average lifespan of a human?

The global life expectancy at birth for women is 75 years old and for men, it’s 70 years old. However, in America, the average life expectancy for women is 81 years and for men 77 years. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, we will probably see a decrease in how long people live worldwide.

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