Where can I get Maryland tax forms?

We offer several ways for you to obtain Maryland tax forms, booklets and instructions:

  • Download them. You can download tax forms using the links listed below.
  • Request forms by e-mail. You can also e-mail your forms request to us at [email protected].
  • Visit our offices.

What is a Maryland form 502?

Form 502 is the individual income tax return form for residents that are not claiming any dependants. If you are claiming any dependants, use form 502B. We last updated the Maryland Resident Income Tax Return in February 2021, so this is the latest version of Form 502, fully updated for tax year 2020.

Where can I get tax return forms for previous years?

Order a Transcript

  • Online Using Get Transcript. They can use Get Transcript Online on IRS.gov to view, print or download a copy of all transcript types.
  • By phone. The number is 800-908-9946.
  • By mail. Taxpayers can complete and send either Form 4506-T or Form 4506T-EZ to the IRS to get one by mail.

Does MD have a state tax form?

The State of Maryland has a form that includes both the federal and state withholdings on the same form. Your current certificate remains in effect until you change it. The absence of a completed form results in being taxed at the highest rate and undeliverable paychecks.

What is a Maryland personal exemption?

Maryland State Personal Exemption: Maryland taxpayers can claim a state personal exemption worth $3,200. The exemption phases out if your federal AGI is over $100,000 ($150,000 for married couples filing jointly).

How to file a Maryland state income tax return?

Forms are available for downloading in the Resident Individuals Income Tax Forms section below. Instructions for filing personal state and local income taxes for full- or part-year Maryland residents. Instructions for filing personal income tax returns for nonresident individuals. Maryland Resident Income Tax Return with Form 502B.

What are the Maryland tax forms for nonresidents?

If you are a nonresident, you must file Form 505 and Form 505NR. If you are a nonresident and need to amend your return, you must file Form 505X. If you are a nonresident employed in Maryland but living in a jurisdiction that levies a local income or earnings tax on Maryland residents, you must file Form 515.

What is the Maryland individual income tax form 502?

Individual Income Tax Return. Form 502 is the individual income tax return form for residents that are not claiming any dependants. If you are claiming any dependants, use form 502B.

How to contact the Maryland Office of tax?

For more information about the Offer in Compromise Program, email us at [email protected] or call 410-767-1555 from Central Maryland or 1-888-674-0020 from elsewhere. In order to view .PDF files you need a .PDF reader supported by your devices operating system.

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