What are some examples of freedom?

An example of freedom is the right of U.S. citizens to express their ideas and opinions. An example of freedom is a prisoner being let out of prison after serving their time. The condition of not being in prison or captivity. Gave the prisoners their freedom.

What are the 5 basic freedoms?

The five freedoms it protects: speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government. Together, these five guaranteed freedoms make the people of the United States of America the freest in the world.

What is a good sentence for freedom?

“She values the freedom to make her own decisions.” “They are working to preserve freedom of religion.” “He refuses to give up his freedom of speech.” “We have allowed the students more freedom.”

What is another word for freedom?


What is the opposite of freedom in English?

freedom(n) Antonyms: subjection, liability, dependence, heteronomy, reserve, constraint, subordination, repression. Synonyms: exemption, immunity, liberty, independence, self-government, autonomy, privileges, immunities, franchises, ease, facility, unconstraint, laxity, candor, frankness, informality, latitudinarianism.

What is the opposite of give freedom?

What is the opposite of give freedom?arrestbindconfineconquerconstraindetainenslaveensnareimprisonincarcerate31

Is unfreedom a word?

noun. The state of being deprived of liberty.

What is another word for ERA?

Some common synonyms of era are age, epoch, and period.

What is the opposite word of cruel?

Antonym of CruelWordAntonymCruelHumane, KindGet definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is cruel?

1 : disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings a cruel tyrant has a cruel heart. 2a : causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain a cruel joke a cruel twist of fate.

Is kind opposite of cruel?

“They reached the top of the mountain quickly given the easy conditions and climate.”…What is the opposite of cruel?mercifulcompassionatebenevolentkindgentlekindheartedtolerantaltruisticbeneficentconsiderate176

What is opposite cheap?

cheap. Antonyms: rare, costly, worthy, expensive, honorable, noble, high.

How do you say cheap in a nice way?


What do you call someone whos cheap?

A “tightwad” and a “cheapskate” are also people who don’t like to spend money. These words are a bit less negative, though: the person may not like to share or help others, but they are not as mean as a miser or a scrooge. “cheap” is another good word.

What is the opposite of Teach?

What is the opposite of teach?misleadconfusebemuseconfusticatedeludediscombobulatedisconcertdumbfoundflabbergaststump12

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