How has athletics impacted your life?

Athletics has taught me to persevere when times get tough, and that success does not build character, failure builds character. High school athletics has also given me the ability to work outside of my social group and build relationships with individuals I otherwise would have never met.

How has basketball impacted your life?

Fitness and Physical Health. Basketball is one of the few big sports that involves the whole body, making it ideal for cardio exercises, like tennis. One of the most important life lessons kids can pick up from basketball is to value their body and take better care of their health. Otherwise, they won’t be able to play …

What is a successful life?

Your individual definition of what success is may vary, but many might define it as being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy, and loved. It is the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be.

How do successful people think?

People who are remarkably successful think and act differently from the crowd. They have an attitude that is positive, respectful, and full of action. They are doing the work they love, and they love the people they work with. They don’t focus on being successful, but success follows them wherever they go.

What makes a man successful?

A successful man is one who finds his purpose and creates a life where he can fulfill that purpose. He knows or seeks to find the balance between fueling that purpose and sacrificing himself and others to make it happen. A successful man is internally resourced. He doesn’t look for others to do his emotional labor.

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